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Gelaaati Di Marco

  - 1 opinions

Best Gelato in Barcelona!!

Published by flag-us Lauren Armstrong — 8 years ago

Gelaaati Di Marco is the best gelato by far in Barcelona! They have amazing creative flavors that you would never think go together but they are amazing! The gelato is also award winning! It wins awards every year for their different flavors, its so amazing. They also have other options such as crepes, waffles (gofres), warm breads filled with gelato, which are also amazing! They have a flavor there that is like nutella basically and is going just like it and you can put it on top of your gelato, it’s the best! Another very good flavor is the yogurt flavor; this is my favorite by far! The best yogurt gelato I have ever had. The taste is so rich and creamy it’s truly amazing. They have the option to put the yogurt with fruit instead of other gelato flavors, which is so good, and a healthier alternative. The award winning flavors cost a little extra but it is worth it, this place is so good and it is also located in the gothic area of Barcelona. So have a stroll through the gothic area and get some amazing gelato! That plan can’t be beat!

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