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Fallas Valencia

  - 2 opinions

Fallas Valencia 30€ desde Barcelona!!

Published by flag- Albert Nogueira Nielles — 11 years ago

Join with more than 3000 students that are going to Las Fallas de Valencia!

Únete a más de 3.000 estudiantes que van a las Fallas de Valencia con Xcape!

 Visit us on facebook Xcape Catalunya! or website www.xcape.es

FALLAS: This is the third most important party in Spain, and it's visited by thousands of people!!

Each neighbourhood of the city has an organized group of people, that works all year long holding fundraising parties and dinners, usually featuring the famous dish, paella, a specialty of the region. 

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Las Fallas was the shit! day trip with Stoke Travel

Published by flag- Daniela Berenguer — 6 years ago

I'm so excited for Las Fallas fire festival coming up in March, I went last year with the Stoke Travel day trip.. it was a crazy trip with many students, they organized the transport and we got to enjoy the festival which is itself a wild tradition, so much fire on the streets! I didn't know many people when I first got here and I actually met my best friend there :D We're going again this year, very recommended

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