The grass is always greener on the other side. Or at least, this is what one may think when visiting Casa Amatller, a charming building whose only drawback is having been built in the wrong place, namely right next to Casa Battlò on Passeig de Gracia. Indeed, most of the times this fine piece of architecture goes almost unnoticed due to the dazzling splendour of its neighbour. And yet, in my opinion, Casa Amatller contributes decisively to increase the great charm of the place.

This Modernist masterpiece was designed by one of the most famous architects of the end of the 19th century, Puig i Cadafalch. Commissioned by Antoni Amatller, a philanthropist and a tycoon of chocolate, it is a spectacular blend of architectonical styles. The wonderful Gothic windows, indeed, are in apparent contrast with the strange gable, resembling some elements of the Dutch architecture. The decorations of the abovementioned windows are perhaps the most fascinating element of the building, together with the delicate pattern characterising the facade. Once again, it is worth stopping for some minutes to appreciate the various shades of colours created by the sunlight.

At the moment, the inside of the house is undergoing restoration works, aiming to reestablish the original environment and furniture which characterised this upper-class mansion at the beginning of the 20th century. In the meantime, though, it is possible to take part in guided visits, which will show you around the house, including a final taste of Amatller chocolate. At the end of the day, Casa Amatller appears to me as the ideal complement to such a gem as Casa Battlò. Not by chance, the best photos of the Manzana de la Discordia (the block where the two buildings are located) will no doubt include both Casa Battlò and Casa Amatller, standing in mutual enrichment with their own peculiar styles.
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