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  - 1 opinions

Amazing DONUTS & more!!

Published by flag-us Lauren Armstrong — 8 years ago

Chok is one of the most amazing places I have been to. When you turn onto the street off of Ramblas you see a glass display of donuts and cronuts. Not just any regular kind these are filled with different things and decorated amazing with Oreos, fruit, cream, etc. once you walk in the world of chocolate explodes right in your face!! They have everything from truffles to macaroons, chocolate lollipops filled with cookies and ganache. If you enter and go all the way to the back you can sometimes watch the people making cakes and etc. in the back. This place also has an amazing coffee and hot chocolate! You can also get churros and hot chocolate! I would go here every day if I could, this place is absolutely the most amazing place ever. 

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