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Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona – Touch of the pure nature

Published by flag- Marie Miličková — 8 years ago

Do you like parcs? Are you a passionate runner, roller-skater or ping pong player? Or do you prefer just sitting on the grass, playing boards games, laughing with your friends and singing you favourie songs? If yes, you must visit Parc de la Ciutadella

You probably have not heard about it yet, because there are plenty of other famous monuments, beaches and places of interests in Barcelona. But this place has the most vigorous, positive, fresh, friendly and awesome atmosphere, I have ever experienced.

  • Mixture of cultures, nationalities and skin colours…
  • Wide range of multicoloured plants and animals from all over the world….
  • Cute natural ponds, where you can rent a boat and just paddle and admire the astonishing beauty…

In addition, if you are single, you can meet your fateful partner or just a friend, because there are plenty of lonely boys and girls, who came there just to meet new people (personal experience, when one boy adrressed me several pleasant words and then invited me to the beach).

Nevertheless, the fresh sparkling fountains with artistic statues leaved the deepest impact to me. As I was walking to the peak of a marvelous mountain and passing propriate starirs, I saw a fantastic international wedding. If I mean fantastic, I mean  truly unique. I saw a wide range of skin colours. People were weared in traditional folk costumes and created a circle, which was surrounded by the fountain. All of them seemed so happily.


Such experiences and even more, you can gain only there. If you are tired of walking, there is a zoo, several famous beaches and stylish restaurant nearby. So don’t miss the opportunity and visit this awesome place in Barcelona!

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The highlight of the park is a fountain designed by Gaudi

Published by flag-cn L Ge — 8 years ago

Parc de la Ciutadella is a large park situated at the south-east corner of Barcelona. On the south side of the park is a zoo, whose admission fee is high (higher than most zoos in Europe), but Parc de la Ciutadella itself is free of charge. Actually I don't recommend visiting the southern part of the park because the smell from the zoo is terrible. Besides, the southern part of the park is really boring - there are just some trees and some normal-looking paths, just like what are in other parks.

However, the northern part of Parc de la Ciutadella is worth a visit.

At the north-west corner of the park is a small castle called Castell dels Tres Dragons. There are three simple sculptures of dragons and a pond in front of the castle.


The highlight of the park is the large fountain designed by Antoni Gaudi, which lies in the north-east part of the park. The fountain is on a small hill, and when I approached it from the back of the hill, I even didn't realise that it was the fountain. When I came to the front of the fountain, wow, I was surprised by its beauty. The water in the pond was so clear, and the sculptures of dragons, humans, and horses were so delicate. Although it was not sunny that day, I still felt that the sculptures and the water were shining. I climbed up the hill (it's a very low hill) and had a closer look at the sculptures. There were not many people on the hill. All I could hear were the sounds of the fountain and the seagulls.




Not far away from the fountain is another pond. When I walked there, I saw some boats left unattended in the pond. Many birds were on the water surface and seemed to be having fun. It was a very quiet pond.


In brief, there's not much to see except for the Gaudi's fountain. If your time is limited but you want to visit this park, I suggest you visit only the Gaudi's fountain and skip other parts of the park.

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