I did not know whether to enter or not. Olcha did not want and my budget was limited and it was just a beginning of our trip! Outside the gate we saw a crowd of people, I thought "We can let it go".
Finally I said no to these thoughts. I am in Barcelona, my dream city, and I want to see it, no matter what the price is. We split, Olcha went somewhere, and I bought ticket and enter the Park Guell.

I stepped into really magical place. The truth is there were a lot of people, however it did not turn out to be as crowded as I had thought. In the end it was just a beginning of June. I was enchanted by that place! Architecture was really astonishing. This Gaudi Guy must had have a real passion for design. Primarily park had been supposed to be a housing estate for rich men, but that idea never turned out to work.

I was walking through the park with joy, observing not only original mosaics, but also a beautiful view on the city. I visited also Gaudi's house and took a picture next to the famous lizard.

The only disadvantage was my outfit. Women are women, when the put something into their heads, weather and comfort do not count. But somehow I managed to survive in these long trousers, but I got a lesson for the future.

I will tell you one thing - despite these few Euros spent, I do not regret this visit. There are multiple reasons why Park Guell is an obligatory spot in Barcelona. And I know that when I'll be back here I will come to this park again with pleasure. If my words did not convince you, I hope the photos will.

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