Published by
L Sharp
— 7 years ago
Ok, I thought to go to this place you have to really like planes, which is not really my case but I still had a good time! The museum has great access by bus or tram, you can even walk there if you want but expect an hour walk from the center. Last option taxi will cost you less than twenty zlotych.

Entrance fee was very cheap, I believe there are also student discounts and if you go on Tuesday entrance is free. Worth the money as I spent around two hours without getting bored once J It was funny to see so many “plane geeks” inside, taking pictures, staring for long minutes at planes when I was just passing by or making comments that sounded like Chinese to me; ) Felt like we were the only non -specialists present on that day! Fortunately the museum is very self -explanatory and with a lot of comments, explanations on the plane types, how, when or why they were used. This is in the end very enlightening if you are interested in World War I, World War II, Cold War and more generally Poland’s military history.

I thought the place was nicely organized, I liked the feeling of entering into a hangar and have a tour along engines, missiles and rockets and old uniforms.

Some of the planes were used for famous movies also and from the info given some were kind of unique or very rare.

Kind of amazing to compare our most recent military aircrafts and all those old planes which look like a metal sardine box but that made history during famous battles.

I was a bit disappointed the weather was awful (cold and rainy because a majority of the exhibits are on open space), I guess I rushed too much sometimes because of the freezing wind!; )

I feel I sometimes don’t do enough”cultural” visits, that’s the reason why I visited the place (also very near my place! ). I would say that even if you are not interested in history or don’t really like engines you might find the visit very much enjoyable.
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