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Big Cinema for Movies in Orginal Version

Published by flag- L Sharp — 8 years ago

Multikino is a chain of cinemas in Poland, the one located in Krakow is on the street Dobrego Pasterza N° 128. This is just next to Park Wodny (water park), see the post about this if you're interested in combining an afternoon swimming-pool + cinema!


Not much to say, this is just a classic cinema with big blockbusters (which is not the case of cinemas located in the center).

One useful tip I actually found very recently : you can buy your cinema tickets where they are selling snacks, popcorn and drinks. This will avoid you (if you want some snacks obviously) to queue once at the ticket office and then to the snack area... I personnally have a tradition of getting nachos with cheese sauce everytime I am going, so yumee!

There are many rooms in this cinema (at least 12 I am sure of maybe more) and you have also animations inside such as a game arcade or confortable couches and sofas to wait if you are here early.

I went there very recently (last week which is 20th November 2014) to see "Gone Girl" which by the way I totally recommand, this is a great film with excellent acting and scenario. Besides that staff is extremely friendly and helpful, seats are comfortable and unless you are going for the prime of a major movie I rarely saw the place entirely full which means comfort to spread your legs and your stuffs on seats near-by!


Perfect for a rainy day! Enjoy your film!

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