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Pastéis de Belém!!

  - 1 opinions

Do you want a Pastel de Nata in Belém?

Translated by flag-pt Rita Cruz — 7 years ago

Original text by flag-pt Ana Carolina Helena

What is this about?

Do you want a Pastel de Nata in Belém?

Pastéis de Belém - Source:

The Pastéis de Belém are the best known confectionery and the producer of the most famous Portuguese sweets: the Pastel de Nata. Founded in 1837, originally became from the monks from the Jerónimos' Monastery, as a way to try to cook something for their survival. And nowadays it's an important mark in the Portuguese gastronomy. However, this place has a secret for the way that they make the filling, and every baker have to sign a responsibility term, in how they will never reveal this secret.

The space is really tiny, but there is also a succession of small rooms where you can seat and enjoy calmly your Pastel de Nata. It's a nice place, however, a bit noisy, because of the amount of people going there every day. Everyone from the staff are properly dressed, and they are incredible nice to the clients.

The Pastel de Nata it's a delicacy, and its outside is made with puff pastry, then it's stuffed with a creamy paste, whose recipe is a secret, but in a general way made with milk, eggs and sugar. The best time to eat it, is when they come out of the oven, still warm, and pulverised with cinnamon and powder sugar on top. People from Lisbon, the Lisboetas, love to eat it, so you can find it in any corner and every coffee shop in the city. Actually, they are considered one of the 7 Gastronomical Wonders of Portugal.

Do you want a Pastel de Nata in Belém?

Outside View - Source:

How to arrive?

You just have to go to Belém, and you will easily find this place. There's no subway connection with this part of the city, but you can take the traditional tram (the number 15 or the 18), or also a bus from the Lisbon's Baixa - you have a lot of public transports and they are good signalised. The tram tickets costs 1, 80 euros - one way ticket - (August prices of 2016) but it's really worth it! Not only because of its on beauty and distinction, but also because of the river's beauty.

When to visit?

The Pastéis de Belém are a must try for all the tourists that come to Lisbon and to Belém's area. The outside queues are huge and a bit demotivating, but usually they have a quick service. If you want to have a calm and enjoyable experience, then you should avoid the peak hours, like lunch time or afternoon snack time. There is also always the possibility to buy it and, then go to a nearby park, to watch the Tagus River.

Do you want a Pastel de Nata in Belém?

Inside View - Source:

The place is open every day of the year, without any exception (in the 24th, 25th of December and 1st of January, they close at 7 pm. ). From the 1st of October until the 30th of June, from 8 am. until 11 pm.. And during the Summer months, the schedule is extended until mid night, which is perfect for the ones that are scrolling along the river.

How much?

One unit costs 1 euro. You can also buy a box of six Pastéis de Nata for 6 euros (prices of August of 2016). A small price for a tasteful gastronomical experience. They are also a great souvenir to take to your friends and family.

Do you want a Pastel de Nata in Belém?

View from the counter: - Source:

Final Considerations:

This is one of the spaces that I really enjoy in Lisbon, and since I leave nearby, I come here a lot of times. Sometimes the amount of tourists annoys me a bit, but waiting always make up! Without any doubt a place that you can't skip in Lisbon.

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