Deducing with Sherlock Holmes
Modern Sherlock Holmes
There was this huge popularization of Sherlock Holmes just some years ago when, firstly, this film went out called “Sherlock Holmes” in 2009 followed by the second film _ “Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows” in 2011 (and if you see, their IMDB ratings are pretty high: 7. 5 and 7. 6 respectively, which states the films’ popularity and a good filming, of course) and, secondly, when those British series called “Sherlock” started in 2010.
At one point, those two films were a success because of Robert Downey Jr., who is a great actor and many people love him for acting in Iron Man series and Marvel series, too, and other stuff also. He acts really well, I must say, and his speaking manners just make me laugh, it’s just really strange sometimes. The plot and the scenes are very well planned and shot and you just don’t get bored while watching!
As for the British series of Sherlock Holmes, they are just almost perfect, as if I say “perfect” I won’t really know what perfect is, do I? there has only been just some series of Sherlock and people are eager to watch some more. They started in 2010 and then there was this big pause in the middle and people just went crazy. They wanted new episodes of Sherlock and they wanted them at once! This British actor Benedict Cumberbatch acts just great and his posture and mimics have become people’s favourite since the very first episode. I admit that I never really was fond of those detective books and I haven’t even read the whole Sherlock Holmes book series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. However, I really like watching films and series about detectives and stuff like that and, therefore, I also look forward to watching Sherlock’s new series as they are really interesting, well-shot and funny, at the same time.
So, I want to tell you about my visit to Sherlock Holmes Museumand share my experience and my opinions about all that stuff.
When I went to London with my friends, the very first thing we did (if I remember it correctly) was walking on that famous Baker Street and seeing the well-known statue of Sherlock Holmes sculpted by John Doubleday as early as in 1999 (That’s when I was 6 years old and went to school)! It’s really interesting, that Doubleday had previously made the statue for the town of Meiringen that is in Switzerland, below the Reichenbach Falls - that is where Sherlock fell from to his death. So the statue stands outside Baker Street tube station - and that’s where we had our first stop of metro.
“The address is 221B Baker Street! ” - I’m sure you all know and heard of this address that is in London. And when you hear it, that well-known melody will run in your head every time!
Well, this was the address of the detective Sherlock Holmes, and while you think that he was real, I’ll disappoint you and tell you that he was just a fictional character of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective series. That’s why his daughter was against this Sherlock Holmes Museum to be opened, because she thought people would believe, that this great detective truly existed.
What’s more, the museum is not really on that address. The address 221B is kind of opposite to the museum and there was that Abbey National building. And there had been a dispute between the museum and the Abbey National about the mails written to Sherlock Holmes going to Abbey National and not the museum. Well, after seventy years, the Abbey National finally vacated its headquarters in 2002 and the mail now goes to the museum.
The Sherlock Holmes Museum is open every day of the year except Christmas from 9:30 a. m. till 6 p. m. Admission is 15 pounds for adults and 10 pounds for children under 16 years.
So, you can see the famous Study Room on the 1-st floor of the museum and then go into Sherlock Holmes’s bedroom. There’s Doctor Watson’s bedroom on the 2-nd floor and also Mrs. Hudson’s room at the front. And on the 3-rd floor you will find wax figures and enjoy different scenes from the stories!
Museum shop
The museum shop is next to the museum and it’s just heaven for Sherlock Holmes’s lovers! There are so many different things sold there, that you will want to take everything home!
Photo gallery
Content available in other languages
- Italiano: Cercando indizi con Sherlock Holmes
- Português: Deduzindo com Sherlock Holmes
- Türkçe: Sherlock Holmes ile Birlikte Sonuca Varmak
- Polski: Dedukując z Sherlockiem Holmesem
- Français: Résoudre des affaires avec Sherlock Holmes
- Español: Deducciones con Sherlock Holmes
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