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Teatro Kapital

  - 1 opinions

A party you cannot miss

Published by flag-pl Mona K — 7 years ago

Teatro Kapital is one of the most popular clubs in Madrid.

It is located near the Atocha metro station and the entrance costs around 20 to 25 euros per person. If you come with a group of friends, you can buy a bottle (they cost around 100 euros at least) and divide the cost of it among all of you. Then you will get an area with sofas and a little table just for you and your friends at one of the few floors that it has.

The drinks area is a bit expensive - one drink will cost you around 15 euros, but it is a standard in Madrid for the type of clubs like this. It is a very fancy club, and the service is very sophisticated. You will definitely be satisfied with everything.

Each floor has a different kind of music so there is everything you can wish for. The bottom floor though has a stage on which the DJ’s perform and generally it is all about electronic music, some special effects with lights and artificial fires.

The club always gets a bit crowded though, especially during the weekends, but it is a very good place and the parties are guaranteed to be a success.

I encourage you to try it out, you definitely won't regret it!

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