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Brainer house

  - 2 opinions

Brainer house

Published by flag-hr Tina Re — 8 years ago

This is a big private house where exchange students can rent a room. Room per night is 5, 00€ and if you have a guest, guest pays 2, 50€ per night.

Capacity is around 25 beds in around 15 rooms. Downstairs where you enter is a shared kitchen, a living room, and two big party places.

The most famous Oporto private Erasmus parties are the ones in Brainer house. Students organise the parties themselves and hire a DJ, buy booze and charge entrance even for the people on the list. It's amazing how many people, even Portuguese, want to be on that list!

Parties are always themed.

The house has a downstairs level and two more floors, on each there is a bathroom, also shared. Living in this house is really experiencing a real Erasmus life with lots of different nationalities and cultures.

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Party house

Published by flag-it Francesca Verdi — 7 years ago

It's a pretty big house where about 20 students live, the rooms are really cheap but almost every night there is a party.

If you're Erasmus you've probably been to at least one party at Brainer house. They usually have a theme and you can meet a lot of people there, it's always full.

It's not the cleanest house since people are constantly going in and out so I wouldn't want to live there, but going there for a party once in a while can be a lot of fun.

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