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Passos Manuel

  - 1 opinions

Passos Manuel

Published by flag- Pedro Araújo — 12 years ago

The ‘coolest and alternative’ night out in Porto is not complete without a reference to Passos Manuel. Neither would be complete the trilogy of spaces that enliven the night of the “other side” of downtown (ie, across Avenida dos Aliados if we are focused on the most active area at night, near the Clérigos) together with the neighbors Pitch Club and Maus Hábitos. Especially in the nights named ‘Alta Baixa’, an event that makes Rua Passos Manuel mandatory as a destination for your night out whenever it occurs, allowing free circulation between these 3 places, for only €5, following the development of the different DJ’s sets and concerts throughout the night. A former cinema house, (aka) ‘Passos’ is now a trendy cinema-bar-disco combo space, mostly frequented by people from the arts, architecture, design, and especially for those who like bold and alternative spaces, but with some refinement and grandeur, where you can hear some not mainstream sounds, within a quality musical agenda. A place with a unique vanguardist atmosphere that has become legendary and part of the city night’s imaginary, even for those who were never there. That´s what brings it personality and charisma that turns this night spot for itself a “must goin’ out.”

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