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Basilics in Rome

  - 1 opinions

Rome- the most beautiful place on Earth

Published by flag-ro Patricia Ioana — 5 years ago

In the five days spent in Rome I haven't used at all public transportation. The only bus used was that of the company Terravision with which I got from Fiumicino airport to Termini station and then back to the airport. Bus travel quite often, and departure times are displayed on tables in the airport. A road has cost 6 euro/person (EUR 11, I saw that there was a round trip). Reservation online save yourself 2-3 euro. The journey from Fiumicino to Termini station takes approximately 50 minutes. In the rest of the time I prefer to arrive at the proposed attractions on foot, a nice way to discover Rome and other places did not mentioned the guidebooks. Indeed I have made dozens of miles but whenever we could each be tired into a church to admire paintings and sculptures (all churches are wonderful! ) or a bank or border on the banks of the Tiber. Every night I think I've seen everything that was to be seen, but every day I saw something different. I was fascinated by this town.


Anyway, on the last day, looking through guidebooks that I had with me, I realized that I saw all of the thinks i wanted and did not anything remained to be seen for the next time. That's because Rome does not mean only Fontana di Trevi, the Colosseum or Vaticano. Rome mean forums, fountains, streets, parks, Basilica, obelisks, private art collections of famous families housed in no less famous "palazzo", fashion shops... But I was happy with what I managed to see this time because I definitely get back in Rome.

Dominitian was considered a follower of Nero due to his actions of the persecuting Christians. Because Jews refused to pay a tax that was just for the fact that it was born in Judea, in 95 ad, after demolishing the Temple of Jerusalem, it started punishing Christians (here appears confusion between Christians and Jews). Michael gave the order as many people of noble Romans and vase, and even his cousin Titus Flavius Clemens and his wife Fluvial Domitilla, to be killed and to take their possessions because of their faith in God. If Tiberius is said to give orders from the island of Capri for killing an enormous number of people, Caligula was a mentally ill, and Emperor Nero of Rome and comports burned like a crazy accusing Christians for the fire, by the emperor Nerva. After 313 a. d. Emperor Constantine declared legal Christian religion, believers began to build temples and churches, places of veneration. Today I will talk to you about these places of wordship that make Rome a so special city.

Il Gesu Church had been ordered since 1551 by the Florentine architect Stewart Loyola Nanni di Baccio Biggio. Even Michelangelo had a project for the construction of this church. But the works from the first church and the home of the order of the Jesuits in Rome were undertaken between 1568 and 1584, and was financed by Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, patron of the arts in that period, which brought Jacopo Barozzi from Vignola, called "Il Vignola", one of his favorite architects. Inequity architects have watched closely the works to ensure that the rules are respected Jesuit. For the façade, not being happy with Il Vignola's project, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese had him picked Giaconda della Porta who brought the Church architectural elements typical of baroque churches. The Interior is wonderfully decorated, even amazing, least in contrast to one of the rules, i. e. the development of poverty. Here is found the tomb of Stewart of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Stewart received the title of Saint on March 12, 1622 and is celebrated by the Catholic Church on a daily basis by July 31. Stewart's statue is a copy of the original and is built of marble and silver. In the chapel of St. Francis Xavier is a scrape with the relics of St. (right forearm), the rest of the moister being in the Basilica of Bom Jesus in Goa, India, where Francis Xavier spent part of his life. Francis Xavier foot main disciple he and his collaborator Stewart of Loyola and one of the 7 inequity who founded the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits), the first Jesuit missionary who was headed to Japan and India.

I'll continue with the most important Church in Rome, Arhibasilica San Giovanni in Laterano, a papal basilica, Rome's Cathedral, extraterritorial "the mother church of the whole inhabited world. " The Basilica is the name of the Arhibasilica gate of the holiest Savior and is open daily. The entrance is free. Lateran Palace Laterani family, belonged to a family in which several servicers as administrators for several emperors. Plautius Lateranus was the last resident of the Palace in this family. He was caught while trying to develop a plan of killing Emperor Nero. Plautius was sentenced to death, and his wealth was confiscated.

It is said that the 28 stairs in Santa (Holy Staircase) Scale were brought in the fourth century by Helena, mother of Constantine, from Jerusalem. The stairs would be apparent his palace of Pontius Pilate and Sandip's fortress they would have climbed by Jesus to be judged by the roman Prosecutor. In the end the Holy Staircase stands the chapel of San Lorenzo in Palatio or Sancta Sanctorum, the private chapel of the Popes until the 14th century. When we arrived the building was closed so I could not visit them. On the other hand I could see the Triclinium of Pope Leo III adorned with mosaics that depict Christ with the Apostles in the Center, Christ with Constantine and Pope Sylvester I in left and St. Peter, Pope Leo III and Charlemagne on the right. The mosaic has been dated in the year 800, when Charlemagne was crowned in Rome.


Going further on Via Cavour towards Termini train station can be reached in a few minutes from Santa Maria Maggiore basilica, another of the four Papal Basilica in Rome-a title of honor for their special historical and religious importance. The full name of this basilica is the Papal Basilica Patriarcale e Arcibasilica Maggiore Arcipretale di Santa Maria Maggiore. The basilica was erected after the Virgin Mary appeared in the dream of Pope Liberius, and his Patrician Giovanni asking them to build a place of worship in a place determined by a miracle. On august 5, 358 it snowed on the Esquiline Hill, and the Pope traced the perimeter of the Basilica in the snow called Santa Maria della Neve (Saint Mary of the snow) which was then erected on his Patrician Giovanni money. It seems that over the first basilica was built next to the Pope Sixtus III in 432-440, after the Council has "moderated" as Maria was the mother of Jesus.

Behind the Basilica Obelisk was brought in the year 1587 and belonged to the mausoleum of Augustus, and in front of the church there is a column which belonged to a Basilica of Maxentius. 0. 75 high Bell Tower, the tallest in Rome, was erected along with the return of the Popes in Avignon. Inner ceiling with gilded boxes is amazing. In the church there is a scrape that contains chunks of wood which would be made part of the Holy Crib in which Jesus was placed after birth. Is located in front of a statue that depicts Pope Pius IX praying. I have doubts over these pieces of the cross, the nails, the Manger or what not. Once I had read that the Vatican donated a Chicago church pieces of the crib. That means they had in their possession all the stable and made it more pieces?

The Pantheon (temple dedicated to all gods) is as famous as the many other attractions of the city. Maybe Marcus Vispanius Agrippa, friend and son-in-law of Augustus, had hoped that the Pantheon will see over time managed to keep their name in history. The temple was erected in the year 27 a. c. in the field of Mars. Revered Temple burned down in the year 80 a. c., and another one built by Domitianus burned in the year 110 a. c. in 112 a. d. -128 a. m. Emperor Hadrianus ordered deletion of traces of ancient temples and the building of a new temple of all the gods, unique and never seen. On the Foundation of this temple has been passed, the desire of Hadrian, Agrippa's name as the first founder: "Marcus Agrippa, Lucii filius, consul tertium, fecit"-from here to create confusion and that the present Temple was built by Agrippa.


St. Peter's Basilica, whose market was built by Bernini, who was busy and the vast majority of works from inside and outside the Basilica including huge bronze Baldachin. 140 statues which Crown the Basilica and the square in the center you can see a huge obelisks, constructed in 1835 BC that has a special story. Augustus had ordered him to be taken to Alexandria to be brought and then in Rome. Only ever a dish rag transports an obelisk no longer so big. The ship was built in the time of Navis Mirabilis Caligula, the ship that managed to bring the obelisk in Rome. During the works at Fiumicino airport were found parts of this very large ships for those times. In the year 1586 of 326-ton Obelisk was transported and mounted in the Basilica. The Obelisk is the second largest in Rome (after the Lateran Square), and his lies atop a cross of bronze containing a fragment of the Holy Cross of Christ.

Down to the famous square on the right side and I found two strikes of the Swiss Guard who takes care of one of the entrances to the Vatican. I had to go through the entire market to come back in the other side so I put Sabu, for about 1 hour, the tail made up of those who wanted to climb the dome of the Basilica. Ticket costs 5 euros for those who want to take all the steps in a row or 7 euros for those less athletes. So I gave you 7 euros)) and I ran to the elevator in which there were only two ladies with a child in his arms. I doubt that people were eager to these times and so I doubt that he developed through the calicia exactly there. The idea is that a large proportion of the tourists do not understand anything that visit but nobody wants to lose even one meter without having to see it. So I do understand, with 2 euros I exempt half of the 330 stairs. After I get off the Elevator I walked inside the Basilica and I was pleasantly impressed by the scenery.

Another Church that I've gotten is Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri that are still in The Republic and is open daily between 7-18 entry is free of charge. Maximian had already begun construction of terme in this place, in the year 289 a. c., in honour of the Emperor Diocletian co-Chair. Many Kings continued to make it more beautiful the largest and most sumptuous of the Imperial Baths of the time, the construction between the years during 298-306. For construction was used a great number of slaves, people who refused to join in the army or not worshipping the gods of the city for centuries. A large part of them were Christians convicted because of their religion in the quarries of hard labor in the manufacture of brick, stone or to bathe. Diocletian baths, as they were called, had worked until the year 537, when Rome was besieged, and the enemy army to cut aqueducts visitors public baths

The Pope donated in the year 1512 Church order of the Franciscans, the order under which it remained until today. In the year 1632 it was painted in the ceiling of the cassette and Marco Montagna, and the Church was built with 7 m in order to avoid floods. Thus the Church has lost the mosaics and became the old crypt floor is still visible. The old entry from the Temple of Rum was closed in 1947 when he opened the new entrance on Via dei Fori Imperial (a project thought Mussoloni in 1932). They come in a little courtyard on the walls of which there are many paintings, and a fountain in the Center (which doesn't work). Entering from the street, this tumult quiet Walker Yard is meant to prepare you for entry into a place of worship. Inside the Church one can admire the beautiful mosaics dating from the 6th century.


No one sees the other artwork of Michelangelo: Rachel and Leah, you will love the statue of Moses. Nor the other treasures of the Church which may have included a sarcophagus with the history of the 7 Brothers Maccabees, the great Florentine sculptors Antonio graves and Piero del Pollaiuolo, ancient marble columns from temples in ancient Rome, the allegorical sculptures, bronze doors which dates from 1477 or Cinzio Passeri Aldobrandini's Tomb.

Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is worth a visit to see the chapel of Chigi, Rafael and his opera Bernini (who brought changes and completed the unfinished Chapel), two paintings by Caravaggio: "the crucifixion of St. Peter" and "the conversion of St. Paul" and "the adoration of the Child" by Pinturicchio. These are the most important but the basilica preserves a real treasure trove of reading I've read. The Church is located in the famous Piazza del Popolo. Legend has it that the ghost of Nero who died in this place in the form of crows that terrorize the inhabitants of the area. Exaltation of the Church has scared crows, and the Ghost is gone forever.

Who wants to see the "Cristo della Minerva" (or "Christ the Savior"), opera in which Michelangelo worked between the years 1519-1521, must go into the Basilica of Santa Maria spore Minerva.

Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, probably the first place of the Christians in Rome.

Church of Sant'Agostino in order to see the main altar designed by Bernini and operas like "Madonna di Loreto" by Caravaggio (for which he used as a famous model whose face was recognizable in that of Madonna which has caused a real scandal), a fresco of Rafael that presents the Prophet Isaiah and a statue of the enthroned Madonna and child with St. Anne of Andrea Sansovino.

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