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Civic Centre

  - 1 opinions

The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

Translated by flag-gb Hannah Kilpatrick — 4 years ago

Original text by flag-pe Jesus en su tinta

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all well, in this blog I hope to share with you one more place that you will know in the centre of Lima, this place was practically one of the last buildings to be built in Lima in the 70s. I’m talking about The Civic Centre.

The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

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The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

The Civic Centre is a building located right in the city centre of Lima and for many years was Lima’s tallest building, until the Hotel Westin Lima & Convention Centre was built and before that the GNB building in front of that. This means that the Civic Centre is currently number 3 in the rankings.

Disagreement over the white?

For those who have lived their whole lives in Lima they must recognise that before this building was not painted, but rather it conserved its original style and cement colour. It was during the government of Alan Garcia when it was decided to give a new air to this monument. This provoked numerous protests among architecture students, I remember this clearly because my sister studied architecture.

The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

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Anyway, the governing power maintained the originality of the monuments and today the Civic Centre is white.

A shopping centre full of facilities

With a desire to give a bit of life and economic movement to this zone of Lima the Civic Centre is a shopping centre known as Real Plaza. Among its facilities you’ll recognise different clothing shops, as well as restaurants in its food court and supermarkets with ATMs, a cinema and a club that’s called Céntrica.

When was this building created?

The Civic Centre was constructed in 1970 but was inaugurated in 1974. Initially it was supposed to be State headquarters. On the contrary now a days there are also some ONPE (National Office for the Electoral Process) offices here. The style of the building is Brutalism with a total of 36 floors and 109 metres tall.

My recommendation:

I advise you to go to the Civic Centre to see its shops and while you’re at it start your journey to the city centre of Lima. To get here you just need to get off the subway at Central Station (all lines stop at this stop which is underground and located under Paseo de Herores Navales. )

The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

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I hope that you have liked this little description and that it will be of help when you come to Lima! Thank you very much for reading these stories and sight-seeing anecdotes which take us back in time and makes us think that Lima has the potential to be a better city to live in. Until next time, Lima Lovers! We’ll continue getting to know our city more in order to appreciate it as much as we can.

Have a marvellous day! :)

The third tallest building in Lima and Peru

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