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Sanguchería La Lucha

  - 1 opinions

The best sandwiches in Miraflores

Translated by flag- Maria M — 4 years ago

Original text by flag-pe Jesus en su tinta

Hi everyone! The "La Lucha" is one of my favorite sandwich place in my city, you can find one of their stores in Kennedy's park which is located in the known "Ovalo de Miraflores". There, you can find a queue of people waiting to be served to eat one of the best Peruvian sandwiches in Lima, with the greatest criolla sauce. In this city, you can eat the best food in the Peruvian cuisine and "La Lucha" is one of the most recognized sandwich places not only by locals but by tourists as well because it is included in the famous book: "Lonely Planet". In this book, you can find lists of places to eat, and I totally recommend it this experience to taste such delicious sandwich in a great and calm atmosphere thanks to the crew.


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I recomment this place because it is located in a very touristic area in Lima, with lots of activities. In this store you can also find "papas nativas", juices and hot chocolates in winter. A great place if you want to meet with friends to have a good breakfast and peacefully eat. However, depending on the time you can find so many people.


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One of the things I like the most about eating there is their turkey sandwich, which you can order with criolla sauce. Another great option would be the "chicharron" sandwich, which is great. The name "La Lucha" comes from one of many Peruvian entrepreneurs who have based their business on food. Its success is proven daily with all the visits all day long and different types of offers.

All of the products that you can find there are 100% Peruvian and as his owner says, the only thing that is not Peruvian are the ovens. It is an authentic culinary dream that I am sure that will move you just as much as me.


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The prices are reasonable and they start at 7 soles. It might be crowded at night but in the morning, you will probably find less people. At that time, they also sell fruit juices. If you are Peruvian, you must know that we love guanabana's flavor. If you have never tried it, you should because it is amazing. It will taste amazing!.

The staff, despite the pressure to serve so many people, is great and nice.

One thing to take into account is that it is not a place to stay for a long time. Specially at night, you will see how everyone wants to sit down but you can also take it away and sit around different parks, like Kennedy's where you can find cats.

It has a very informal atmosphere and most of their clients are young people who are looking for delicious sandwiches. There are curious tourists as well, who see how popular this place is and decide to stop by. During these last years, several sandwich places are competing with this one but I am a loyal client and still recommend this one.

When I lived in the Peruvian district of Surquillo I used to cycle to Kennedy's park just to eat a sandwich because it is really worth it. I would never get tired of going there if I was in Lima.


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If you still have doubts about, you can ask for the turkey sandwich that costs 10 soles and it is one of the most common ones.

As usual, be careful with your belongings and despite being in a touristic place do not trust anyone. Once, I forgot a backpack there and the security guy luckily gave it back to me.

If you see way too many people and you want to go somewhere else, I suggest you visit a smaller place which was originally "La Lucha" and it tastes just the same.

It opens every day and I am sure that you will have a great experience in Lima if you go.

These pictures are from my computer but I have also looked for some pictures online.

I hope you visit this place and thank you so much for reading this post. Make sure you eat the best Peruvian sandwiches!

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