Theme Park
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What to do Madrid, Madrid, Spain
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Dear God!
Everyone has a list of things that they want to do before they die, even if that list is just on their head.
My list is already some years old and some of the points are still the same. (Except dying my hair blue).
One of my things to do was going on a roller coaster.
I thought the adrenaline rush I would feel would be so exciting and wonderful that for sure it deserved a spot on my list.
Everything started with a visit to the Spanish capital. After all, Madrid is much more than just Cristiano Ronaldo.
I have a friend that is studying in here, and besides giving me a bed for the night, she also gave me a personalised guided tour.
She took me to the Theme Park.
It opens at 12 pm., but it stays open until 12 am. .
It's for all ages. You can go with your family or your friends. There are water attractions, 4D movies, roller coasters, spider killings with guns, haunted houses, besides other things.
One of the things that caught my attention was the Walking Dead's Experience. Basically, this is a replication of the original concept, for what I understood, you just have to run away from the people that are dressed up like zombies. It sounded really cool, the only downside it's that they only work on specific days.
With all the enthusiasm, my friend Vilma and I entered the Park, completely blind because of the light that was coming from “LA MAQUINERIA”, and we didn't noticed that we had chosen the hardest level. In conclusion, there are many possibilities for interesting rides, but of course, as we did not know that, we discarded all of them and we went straight to the hardest one.
The first one that we tried was a water ride. This one caught my attention because it had a castle, so we thought it would be something smoothly, we thought it was for kids.
Yeah, yeah, in the beginning everything was amazing, but then we saw the boat going fast droop. “AAAAHHHHH”.
When we were already in the adrenaline's mood we went to ride a swing, but the difference wih this one was that it rocked from 60 meters high. In this one we thought the same: "-Let's go to this one because is softer. It's like an adult's swing. ".
Of course, when we started to climb everything was really pretty, from there we could see all the city. The problem was when the chairs started to move and and swaying to the sides. Well, in the end we laughed a lot because firstly we thought it was something soft, and then we ended up feeling completely scared.
Then we rode the one that was our misfortune. It was a kind of pendulum that was spinning. Conclusion: we ended up feeling nauseous. We had to do a break for about an hour.
The thematic spiders' ride looks like a mine, where we were on rails with laser guns and the goal was to hit green lights. The funniest thing was that the huge spiders were moving, so I remember that I finished screaming a bit.
I came to the conclusion that I'm a sissy. I'm brave enough to be in the queues and then to get on to the rides, but the truth is that I scream for everything.
There is a big difference between be afraid and be scared.
When I'm afraid with something my way to react is the following: I scream and my heart starts to beat really fast, I jump, I say swearwords...
When I'm scared, I just freeze. My breath, my facial expressions and my heart just stop.
And on this ride I can say for sure that I felt really scared.
I came to this conclusion after being on a free fall of 63 meters (if I'm not mistaken). This time, when we were climbing, I was trying to enjoy the view of what would come after, but when we achieved the top, we stopped for 3 seconds, and then “vhuuum! ”. First I remember that I screamed a lot, but then while the speed increased, my heart tried to leave my mouth, and I stopped screaming and I just grabbed myself with all the strength that I had and I made very strange faces.
In the begging I was afraid because I started to scream. But then I saw my life heads down, and then I was really scared.
I ddin't want to spoil everything, so I will just say my favourite rode was the one that literally made me climb at 45 degrees.
Pieces of advice:
- If you can, I recommend to go when the weather is not that warm. /li>
- Wear comfortable clothes and impermeable clothes.
- Protect your value items or electronic devices, use something waterproof.
- Don't eat a lot before coming to the park.
To conclude, this was an amazing experience, and I do not regret at all having ride the pendulum. This was one of the best presents ever. And, finally, I could cross this item off my to do list.
Madrid is the Europe's sauna! All day long! During the three days I was there, even at 11 pm. the temperature wasn't lower than 30 degrees.
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- Português: Díos Miooooooooooo
- Italiano: Oh, mio Dio!
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