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SZIGET Festival

  - 3 opinions

How to get to the Island of freedom

Published by flag-hu Dóra Csatári — 6 years ago

Hello all!

This post is going to be about one of the best major festivals all over Europe and also the World. I have to say sorry in advance, because I’ll write subjectively, about my experience, which reflects my personality, and the way I’ve felt at SZIGET. Still, I know, SZIGET has 1000 faces and can’t be described in one post, or by one certain person. It’s true, that SZIGET is organized, it has actually a system, a contour, a shape, but visitors, people bring it to life, so it is like, in fact, how You believe it is, and how You make it be. I guess, not necessarily everyone will have the willingness to say, I want to become a SZIGET citizen after reading my post, just as there are tons of descriptions and statements about SZIGET on the internet with which I also disagree. However, these writings are not similar, this proves that SZIGET is a place not so easy to define. It really can be enjoyed by anyone though. At the island of freedom everybody can find what he or she searches for. I wouldn't ever tell anyone not to go to SZIGET, because SZIGET has no negative sides. It just depends how Your personality is, and how You perceive things.

1st step: deciding whether to go or not. The 2 greatest factors which can influence someone in the decision-making process, is the ticket price, and the list of performing artists. Well, I have to tell You, both ideas should be thrown to the bin. Money is not an ecuse, if You truly want to attend the festival. There are several offers and discounts for students, and for those who buy an early-bird pass. You can actually save money. A part-time job could also help You puting away some money, and of course You can be more refined than this by spending the whole week at SZIGET FOR FREE! Read further, if interested...


I attended the great festival 3 years ago. Absolutely gratis! I think it works for English-speakers too, if not, please forgive me, but I think it’s worth speaking about and getting familiarized with the Programme I've applied for, the so-called VOLUNTEER Programme at SZIGET. The only rule is: You have to work every day, but You get free entrance to SZIGET in change. With this volunteering programme You can work at other big Hungarian international festivals like Volt, Balaton Sound, B. my Lake, SZIGET and Strand festival. The programme should actually work for non-Hungarians as well, because 80% of SZIGET citizens come from abroad.

On the webpage of the festival: www.sziget.hu, You can find a window called INFO/Volunteering. The time to visit this page comes in Spring, when volunteer recrutation begins by the Fesztival Önkéntes Központ (Volunteer Centre of the Festival). Nothing special, just filling out an online form about personality characteristics, studies, work experience, questions about experiences at festivals or other public events from the past. If You seem sympathetic to the ‘judges’, they invite You to a personal interview somewhere in the period of June-July. Here You’ll have a comfortable talk with staff members and other participants, and You can choose the domain You would like to work in (cleaning, collecting garbage, info-point, check-in points, translator and marketing tasks, stage-work etc. ).


I worked at a mobile-phone charging station, where the responsibility was quite big and work was fast. There were always crowds of people at the entrance. It was a big madness, I was always busy, but I had to be kind with the customers. Those 6 hours of work passed so quick, I didn’t even realize. And time has come to go partying, to attend concerts and so on. It wasn't like real work. I had discussions with the SZIGET citizens, I've met new people, we joked about each other, my volunteer colleagues and bosses were nice and so on.


My work lasted for 6 hours every day. Unfortunately it was not at a fix time every day, but one day from 6. a. m to 12. a. m., another day from 12.am to 6. p. m, one day at night. But this way was fair-play. One day I missed sleeping by night, the other day I was the lucky girl who could participate on different events and dance till morning. Don’t enter in panic, because if it happens that You have worktime during a certain concert You’d love to attend, You can find any other volunteer, to ‘switch programme’ with. That means, that he or she is nice with You, and replaces You during the concert You’re desiring to take part in, but in change, You’ll have to replace him/her, when he/she begs You. So there’s a big business in the whole story, and important is, that even if You have to work during You favorit band’s concert, there’s still a chance to change shift with a colleague. People are good.


For example I could 100% attend every concert I wanted to, it was pretty cool.

The other good thing about volunteering at SZIGET is, that You can camp in the Volunteer Camping, which is a safe and silent place, with not so much agglomeration and bustle as the other camps. Bonus: You get every day a gratis warm meal: goulasch, soup, stew, noodles, something tasty, delicious and filling. Extra Bonus: You’ll get to know other volunteers as well, and You’ll take part in a great adventure with hundreads of other students, with same interests as You. Community is built through Volunteer's Programme.


For those who desire to enter SZIGET for free, but don't like volunteer work, and would like to earn some money, I would recommend to search for jobs on the internet: like bartender, card/money terminal work, manager works, promotion works, firs-aid works, and other. There get paid, and they offer a free week-pass too. So there are a lot of good opportunities for those who look at their money.

However, You can just enjoy SZIGET without duties, without looking at your budget by just simply attendind the festival (if You can afford that). The most important: Just be there!

P. s. : Sorry for the quality of the pictures, I'm not a professional photographer.

Thanks for reading, Dóra

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Welcome to SZIGET Festival!

Published by flag-hu Dóra Csatári — 6 years ago

Hello all!

I was already counting the days till SZIGET 2014 and couldn’t wait to see Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Crystal Fighters, Calvin Harris, Stromae one of my favourit artists from Belgium, Macklemore, Tom Odell and many more. August then arrived, and SZIGET was lying at my feet. Let the adventure begin!

In my last post I’ve written about the application and admission process at SZIGET for volunteers. I won’t write now about my SZIGET work, but about the location, programmes, events, and the general atmosphere.

Let’s start with the landscape. SZIGET has a lot of stages. For me the Main Stage, the A38 Ship and the Petőfi/Volt Stage were the most important. The Main Stage hosted the biggest and most popular bands and everyday parties (I’ll talk later about these parties), A38 Ship was a lot like UK music, Drum’n Bass, Alternative Music, Dj’s (all of them international artists) and Petőfi Stage was the Hungarian stage, with Hungarian singers and bands (interestingly frequented not only by Hungarians). Furthermore, there were areas, tents where Dj mixed good vibes, there was a folk stage with international music, there was a stage where transvestite shows were performed, another for stand-up comedy, another for tribute bands, and after-parties and so on. In general concerts on the big stages start from 5 p. m. and last till midnight, however at smaller stages and places for partying madness lasts till morning.

SZIGET although doesn’t mean only music, jumping, singing, crowd surfing and dancing. And now I’m going to support with arguments my idea, that SZIGET is suitable for every person with different kind of tastes and interests! Let me prove how wonderful and colorful is this island of freedom.


You can choose between several programmes during the day. First, sports: there is a swimming pool in the V. I. P. area of SZIGET, but also a section of river Danube available for visitors to swim and practice any kind of funny underwater activity (let Your fantasy work). Next, football, teq-ball, ping-pong, beach volleyball, table football, basketball and soccer are also opportunities for those who want to practice some team-sport. There’s also a mini-gym with weight machines for body-builders, and of course salsa and other dance-style workshops daily as well as contemporary dance lessons.


Next art-zone. 'Art-zone' is a popular open-air place, where You can design jewellery, accessories, bags and decorations for Yourself and can take them home. You just need creativity, playfulness and a bit of concentration. There are workshops about how recycled materials can be wisely used in everyday life. This is the perfect place to chill, and create something lasting forever.

Furthermore, the ‘Civil Village’ awaits You, if You’re a conscious thinker, interested by the surrounding environment and World’s happenings. In the ‘Civil Village’ You can meet foundations, volunteer services, universities, non-governmental organizations, attend round-table discussions, workshops. Topics like disabilities, protection of nature, science, politics, latest innovations by Hungarians, disease prevention, addictions, law and ethics or Hungarian higher-education system are very often discussed. In the 'Ability Park' You can try the life of people with disabilities, by a ‘disability’ simulator. Furthermore, You can challenge Yourself in quizzes and games about many different topics, and You can win funny prizes. Civil village is for open-minded people. It’s a very constructive experience.


For those in love with extreme sports there’s opportunity for bungee-jumping and for catapulting in pairs, high in the stratosphere. There’s a ‘Theatre and Circus Area’, with lot of acrobatics and breath-taking performances. In the movie-corner several popular films, artistic movies and international film festival’s prize-winner creations can be seen. If these are still not enough, than You can visit the ‘Before I die’ board, and write on it something You want to achieve before Your life ends. Reading what other people have mentioned is a funny occupation too.


At the ‘Afro-Stage’ there are traditional African dance workshops and African drum and other instruments’ lessons given by African people. Last but not least there’s a big square, called ‘Eastern-European fun-fair’ where You’ll find Yourself in the middle of communism in Eastern-Europe, surrounded by people dressed-up like back in the old times entertaining You with shows and inviting You to play dexterity games, old board-games. The whole universe established here looks like a haunted castle, like how our grandparents' or great-grandparents' society looked like. This fun-fair is definitely my favourite place, because it’s like a journey back in time.


My next post will be about food-court, drinking, parties and concerts.

P. s. : Sorry for the quality of the pictures, I’m not a professional photographer.

Thanks for reading, Dora

(If You're interested about reading more writings of mine, click on the following link.)

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SZIGET citizens, attention!

Published by flag-hu Dóra Csatári — 6 years ago

Hello all!

See? 2 writings of mine were not enough to present SZIGET entirely, thus I’m sitting at my desk again trying to summarize my thoughts about Summer of ’14. Hope that I’ll be able to finish story-telling by the end of this post. So next I’ll write some general informations and ideas about Europe’s best major festival which I’ve missed publishing in my previous posts. SZIGET rules, to-do list, and my personal reflection in the end.

I’m not lying if I say that at SZIGET I truly felt like Alice in Wonderland. The whole universe seemed wider, bigger, brighter, and I felt like a tiny alien from a different planet at the beginning of this fairy tale. Then of course when days passed I got familiarized with my new habitat and felt really comfortable in it. Each inch of the island of freedom preserved a new surprise, an interesting never seen impulse, stimulus for body and mind. It was a constant excitement lasting for 7 days and 7 nights. At SZIGET I felt that I’m living, I understood what is life, or at least what could be life. After the week was over I found myself back in my ordinary life, living my monotonous days, and since then I still sometimes start to feel nostalgic about the memories and I wish everyone could experience what I did. I didn’t smoke, and I didn’t drink much, and I can honestly tell You, that SZIGET can definitely be enjoyed without special ‘tricks’ and stimulators. SZIGET itself is a huge explosion of impulses.


1st impulse: the place. Hajógyári island was once upon a time an island where ships and boats were designed and constructed. Nowadays still some residuum of the plant can be seen, but otherwise SZIGET is pure nature. Forest, tree, lawn-carpet, and the wild and wonderful Danube. There is an artificial beach as well, ideal for those who would like to sunbath and lie in hammocks while chilling, and there are romantic piers and wild pathways where the perfect atmosphere is created for long night walks. SZIGET’s organizators have very good taste for design. There are a lot of decorations at the camping zones and more ‘central’ lanes and paths. Colourful lightbulbs, jelly-fishes hanging from the trees, balloons, flags, paper-flamingos on the branches, umbrellas hanging from ropes on trees and other good-looking ornaments which all light up the whole universe.

2nd impulse: Good programmes. Extreme sports, concerts, (after-)parties till morning, competitions, labyrinths, games and art-zone, cultural events, etc. Programmes keep SZIGET citizens busy. Programmes work the body and the soul. Programmes bring new people together, friendships build-up, memories are made.


3rdimpulse: food. It’s true that food at SZIGET is extremely expensive, but if you are smart, you can go shopping at the nearby Auchan hypermarket just a few minute walk from the venue. If Your life-motto is ‘carpe diem’, then you should try every kind of foods and interesting drinks at SZIGET. There are burgers, pies, French fries, junk-food, salads, donuts, ice-creams, soups, vegan dishes, traditional Hungarian cuisine and refreshing cocktails, shots and smoothies.

4th impulse: Budapest. The fact that SZIGET is held in Budapest, a city with 1000 faces and shades. In my experience at Budapest you can find useful information about sightseeing, how is the city like and what is worth visiting.

Rules at SZIGET:

  1. At SZIGET everyone is kind and nice, but regardless this, people step and jump accidentally (or not) on others’ foot, so better (forget about flip-flops and sandals) wear closed-shoes if You want to feel comfortable and protected!
  2. You never know when will it rain, so better stay prepared and pack a pair of gum boots!
  3. Live in peace, be nice and respect Your camping neighbours. No one wants to have conflicts because people with hooligan behavior!
  4. Be aware that mobile phoneslove to slip out from pockets directly into the toilet. Just be attentive with Your smartphone while doing Your daily routines!


  5. Not everyone is 100% sober, so don’t be surprised if You see strange people doing awkward things. Don’t judge them before You get to know them!
  6. Forget everything You’ve read about healthy sleeping habits and recommended sleeping hours! Sleep if/when You can/need!
  7. Guards from the entrance of the festival control every visitor’s bag and luggage. Leave your bombs home! If You want to drink more for less money, and bring some alcohol on the territory of the festival from outside, hide it as good as possible, and pray for not getting discovered!
  8. Try to live eco-friendly during the event! Leave trees in peace, keep the Danube clean, and don’t throw Your rubbish on the ground regardless where You are.

To-do list:

  1. Write something on the ‘before I die’ board!
  2. Talk to strangers!


  3. Bring Your country’s flag at the festival! On the first concert You’ll see that people coming from the same country as You, will come to meet You!
  4. Invite someone You’ve never seen before for a drink!
  5. Attend an African tribal dance-workshop!
  6. Create or design something at the Art-zone! You can bring home a souvenir from SZIGET (a jewel, a bag, etc. )
  7. Recycle plastic beer cups, and get a T-shirt cupon for it in change at Greenpeace Recycling Point! Stay green during the festival!
  8. Crowdsurf!
  9. Catch a drumstick or at least a guitar-pick thrown to the public!
  10. Collect stamps in Your SZIGET Citizen passport!
  11. Do some sport at least once in 2 days (open-air yoga, dance, football, volleyball, badminton)!
  12. Everyone is looking out the same at festivals in general (flower hair-bands, shorts, naked legs, long hair). If You want to show that You’re different and more special than the mainstream, don’t be afraid to show Your own style and colours! It’s more valuable and unique.
  13. Dance, shout, laugh, live, do everything You want to, because it’s not good to later have remorses about something You missed to try out!


P. s. : Sorry for the quality of the pictures, I’m not a professional photographer.

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