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Császár-Komjádi, Hajós Alfréd and Kispesti swimming pools

  - 1 opinions

My favourite 3 swimming pools in Budapest

Published by flag-hu Dóra Csatári — 5 years ago

Hello all!

I love swimming, and anywhere I go in the World with ERASMUS, if I have the opportunity, I visit a swimming complex. I think that a country’s bathing culture and bathing habits reflect the entire society's mentality. In my previous post I’ve already written a bit about spas and baths, wellness-fitness complexes and recreation centres of Budapest, now I’d like to present basically my favourite swimming pools. All you have to know that you’re entitled to get student discount at certain pools if you have your student card over yourself. Moreover, there are discounts if You’re swimming in the afternoon, or willing to stay only 2 hours, there’s a reduced ‘2 hour entrance ticket’ opportunity for you.


Császár-Komjádi and Hajós Alfréd swimming pools are my favourit places where I go swimming during the entire year. Both are close to each other. Császár Komjádi is located at Buda part of Margaret Island, and Hajós Alfréd is right on Margaret Island. Both are national swimming complexes, organizing national and international competitions. Hungary’s water-polo teams and swimmers do train at these centres. Consequently, if you’re lucky, you’ll be seeing Katinka Hosszú by the next lane.


Császár Komjádi swimming pool consists of one outdoor pool (50 metres long), another outdoor pool 33 m long (but this pool is serving as an indoor one during Winter, because it’s covered), and a small indoor pool for kids. There are 2 pools for training of professional athletes, so those are closed for the public. Some universities from Budapest are having physical education classes at Császár-Komjádi pool. For example in my case, as a physiotherapist student at Semmelweis University the Faculty of Health Sciences, I had to attend swimming courses weekly. The advantage of these physical education classes was that we could swim every week for free, because the university paid us the entrance fee. However, there was a disadvantage as well, we could only use the open-air 50 m long Olympic pool regardless of the weather outside. This means, that I built-up a very strong immune system while swimming in an outdoor pool in 8 grades Celsius in January. Of course the covered pool could be a more convenient option, but the contract with my university included only outdoor pools in the price.

The best thing about Császár-Komjádi swimming pool is its calmness, the good water quality and temperature. It's impressing how many older people (above 69 years) attend this swimming complex. Bathing cap is compulsory. The bad thing about it is that you have to pay at a machine for hair-drying. You enter 20 forints and receive two minutes of electricity for you dryer in change. The single ticket’s price for students is 1100 HUF (3, 6 EUR). Buying a month pass is more convenient.

There is an extra information I have to share with you. I tried Aqua Fitness at Császár-Komjádi swimming complex. This is like an under-water workout with weights, and a bit like aerobic. This activity is held in the biggest pool, which’s water depth is 2 metres, so there’s no chance to take a break during the exhausting exercises. Strange, but I started sweating under the water. My face turned red, and I couldn’t feel my extremities and my entire body after aquafitness. This sport can be tried every Monday, Wednesday and in the weekend (click on the link for seeing the exact timetable: http://www.aquawallgym.com/en/where-when). Unfortunately its price is not as cheap as a single ticket for swimming, but it’s absolutely worth experiencing it! After training, you can grab some snacks from the buffet, or visit the pizzeria in the neighborhood.


Alfréd Hajós Swimming Complex is very similar to Császár-Komjádi pool, and I won’t repeat what I already wrote. What are the differences between the two swimming pools? At Hajós you can enjoy finnish sauna. The use of sauna is included in the price. That’t absolutely a plus. Water quality, temperature and prices are exactly the same. Hajós Alfréd swimming complex has an extra pool for divers, but sadly it can be enjoyd only by professional athletes. During the summer both swimming complexes are perfect for sunbathing outside. Bathing caps are not compulsory during summertime. If you've finished swimming, or before getting it started, you can run on beautiful Margaret Island, or just walk a bit near the Danube and enjoy the view.


Last but not least, a very special little swimming pool in the other pole of Budapest, at KÖKI Terminál, Kőbánya-Kispest. Kispest Swimming pool consists of a 25 metre pool only; nevertheless I love swimming there, because of the place's harmony. I don’t even know why do I love this little and simple swimming centre, but it just simply makes me feel very relaxed. Few people visit Kispest pool, because it's situated at the peripheria of the city. There are palm trees and tropical plants everywhere, two finnish saunas can be enjoyed, and the most important: Students of Semmelweis University get a huge discount. The entrance fee is 1000 HUF for general students and 760 HUF (2, 5 EUR) for SOTE students. So if you want to take a break of studying anatomy or biochemistry, just grab your student card, and splash!.

Thanks for reading, Dora.

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