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Aqua World Resort

  - 1 opinions

11 giant slides. Simply, Aquaworld.

Published by flag-hu Dóra Csatári — 6 years ago

Hello all!

If You’re having no idea about what to do in Budapest on a cold rainy day, want to experience something requiring adrenaline, with high levels of entertainment and excitement, then Aquaworld is the place where You belong. Aquaworld is a water amusement park/aqua park in Budapest.

Aquaworld is located in Káposztásmegyer, a peripheral region of the city, where only one mean of public transportation (bus nr. 230) can take You. This bus connects Keleti Railway Station and Aqua World. There’s another opportunity to travel there though, by a gratis bus which departs from Heroes Square in every half an hour. True that this resort is not in the center of the city; however this doesn’t ruin its reputation.

Aquaworld is a modern and beautifully constructed resort. Its style, motives and decoration reminded me of Egyptian pyramids, hanging gardens of Babylon, tropical climate, and jungles.



Aquaworld has 3 main sectors: a 4 star hotel, the Oriental Spa and an Aquaworld aquapark itself. Oriental Spa is a wellness-fitness complex lying on 3 floors, consisting of amusement pools, saunas, gymand relaxing baths. Oriental Spa is the perfect place to play squash or tennis as well. There are salt therapies and kriotherapy too, massage and beauty/cosmetics facilities. I would recommend visiting Oriental Spa if You want to rejuvenate and fill Your batteries. Nevertheless, in the city there are other famous medical water and thermal water spas, and baths as well. I’ve already written about them in a previous post. They are more classical, traditional, older and unique than Aquaworld’s Oriental Spa. Consequently these wellness resorts of Budapest are all similar among offering the same facilities.



In my opinion Aquaworld resort’s main strength hides in its water amusement park. It’s a huge cavalcade of slides, twisters, amusement pools and spring boards. The entrance fee to the water park costs 4700 HUF (15 EUR) for students, but You can choose a 2 hour availability ticket as well for half of the above mentioned price. Moreover, if You enter the amusement park after 5:30 p. m., You will need to pay approximately half of the entire price. Adults have no discounts, and their ticket values 18 EUR. I visited Aquaworld only one time in my life, with a group of friends in the afternoon. We received afternoon discount, thus the amount of money spent didn’t affect our average student-budget very much. Visiting Aquaworld with friends was absolutely fun. We had a great time. There were lot of tourists and queues in front of the slides. But that didn't bother us very much.



In total, Aquaworld has 11 giant slides and 15 pools. It's a Canaan for water-lovers. The slides and pools all function during Wintertime as well. A Wave pool, amusement pool (with current channel and water jets), jacuzzi and saunas are compulsory ‘ingredients’ of every kind of bath or spa. My favourite pool was the plunge pool, because I like jumping in deep water and experiencing different positions while I’m in the air. The slides are situated on different floors where elevators and stairs guide the visitor. The slides start from the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors. Quite high, right?

Some slides are closed slides, others semi-opened ones. In some slides usage of single- or double swimbelt is obligatory. There’s a slide where ‘flying carpet’ is needed instead of swimbelt. My favourit slide is ‘Kamikaze’ of course, which is a long plain, steep, almost vertical slide. The most frightening one. But ‘Black hole’ and ‘Onion Slide’ are also looking terrifying, monstrous and horrific from the outside. Each slide seems unnaturally high and scary, but in fact after one trial You’ll consider them awesome. Adrenaline will start to release You, and let You feel amazing!



If You are capable of eating, and don’t need to throw up after twirling, twisting, sliding, running, You can try Aquaworld restaurant’s specialities. Near having fun by experiencing the giant slides, You can try surfing, attend swimming classes, find out how underwater gymnastics is, and can take diving lessons. There's opportunity of bathing through the night, there are monthly night pool parties and events organized. Prices available by clicking here.



Thanks for reading, Dora

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