Dzsungel Étterem (Jungle Restaurant)
- Address: Budapest, Jókai u. 30, 1066
- Tags:
Where to eat Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
- Telephone: 0036 1 302 40
- Website:
Hungry for kangaroo steaks? Eat it by the snakes!
A pretty cool restaurant and bar, just by the Western Train Station close to the heart of the city. Though, it was a bit hard to notice the small entrance for the first time and it looks nothing special from the outside, on the street, but rather plain. Nonetheless, once you go down to the "cellar", you enter in a new world.
The spacious restaurant has a very catchy, creative and natural design, with four separate thematic rooms. Those who are lovers of the ocean can have their food in the Ocean room, sitting by saltwater aquaria with colorful fish, under the whales on the ceiling and by shells on the wall. If you are more for Pirates of the Caribbean, you can stay in the Pirate room, where you again will not miss fish, as there you also find aquarium. In Savannah, you can sit and eat next to the snakes (no need to worry for those who are scared of these animals, they are behind glass) or by the lovely lizards they have. You can walk "over sand and scorpions" (no, they are not moving, thanks to the floor design). In the Jungle room, you can really feel like you were in a jungle. Forget the rush of the city, just enjoy something different.
If you go to a restaurant, though, it is usually not the design you mainly search for. You go for the food, right? Here you will not be disappointed. You can have different kinds of tasty and exciting meals for good price, with the majority of offers for less than 10 Euros. Adventurous eaters can taste the meat of crocodile, kangaroo and ostrich (all of them are super tasty the way the restaurant prepares them) or try wild boar. If you are not much for trying, you can simply have your normal meats. The portion you get is good, and the service is really nice with kind staff.
If you just want to go for a drink or have it with the food, you can have it as well. There are alcoholic beverages and cocktails also on offer and a wide variety of beers from different parts of the world (eg. Singapore, Belgium, tasty Hungarian craft beer etc. ). You can taste here the Hungarian national drink, the pálinka as well in various flavors. The price? When I saw it I was surprised, as they did not cost more than in the majority of popular city center bars in Budapest.
Why I share all these good stuff about the restaurant? No, I am not payed or a marketing agent for the place. I neither receive a discount, nor a friend of the owner or employee there. I just really love this place and would be happy if more people knew about it, as it really deserves fame for all the creativity and service they provide.
For more photos of the restaurant (that really reveal how it looks), check out their facebook page and website, as unfortunately my few pics do not show its real spirit.
Photo gallery
Content available in other languages
- Español: ¿Hambre de filetes de canguro? ¡Cómelos al lado de serpientes!
- Français: Envie d'un steack de kangourou? Mangez-en au milieu des serpents!
- Polski: Chcesz spróbować egzotycznego mięsa?
- Português: Com fome por um bife de Canguru? Come-lo junto das cobras!
- Italiano: Fame di bistecca di canguro? Potete mangiarla vicino ai serpenti!
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