Taya Moiseenko
- Current city:
- Riga
- City of birth:
- Saint Petersburg
- Host university:
- Home university:
Taya activity
Advices to serve cheese and prosciutto from Italian masters
Wooden plates. It’s recommended to serve delicacies on the wood, because this material saves the optimal level of humidity and gives additional aroma to snacks. Ambient temperature.It’s better to take out the cheese from the fridge before to serve it. Bread basket....
Neapolitan creatures, great and small
Basically, nothing so surprising: you go down the street, dust and traffic jams are everywhere, noisy people…and suddenly you see the bid red-headed duck walking near you. To my opinion, this one on photo is quite smart: instead of staying in the park or swimming in...
Sea products of Naples
Wide open spaces of Naples are situated on the sea coast, that’s why the fish crop is always rich and multivarious here. The city is full of restaurants and trattorias famous for its mastery to prepare fish dishes and delicacies. Main rule of every place is how fresh...
The blood of San Gennaro
Neapolitans are very religious, and there is a reason for that. There are so many legends, myths and supernatural happenings which surround this city! On this photo you can see rather troubled zone of Neapolitan historical center which is called Forcella. It starts its...
Napoli Pizza Village
Have you ever walked along Lungomare Caracciolo? Or did you try Neapolitan pizza? Now imagine that it’s possible to combine these two activities! Thanks to Pizzamaker’s Organization, every year, usually at the beginning of the summer more than 50 Neapolitan...
Must-visit museums in Naples
Why to love every first Sunday of the month? Because the doors of all the best Italian museums are opened! Napoli and suburbs in not an exception! Just in case of you have already visited some museums here, I could tell you a small lifehack: often museums open temporary...
Neapolitan sweats
Famous expression “See Naples and die” ironically often continues by native people as “die from diabetes”. In fact, Naples can make boast about its wealth of sweets, widespread and so high-valuated all-around Italy. It’s almost impossible to pass by:...
Fear and Loathing in Naples!
Someone prefers gastronomic tourism, others sport and active, and what about criminal one? For extreme lovers bring to your notice the most flagitious zone of Naples called Scampia. I was lucky to visit it just once, because local Neapolitan people didn’t want to...
Summer in Campania: how Italians spend their time?
It’s easy to guess, that Italians don’t need to make that much efforts to pass their summer holidays on the seaside. A lot of lucky beggars have summer houses on beautiful coasts and islands. The most visited island in Campania is Ischia, other popular ones are...
Best wines of Campania region
Italians usually drink wine by small portions and choose it not only according taste preferences, but also depending on seasons: red wine on winter season because it warms and heats the blood, and white wine during summertime which is the best choice in sultry weather....
Neapolitan traditions: Fugenti
They run, shut, cry, pray, maledict, fall down on the knees and move step by step to altar. They are called “Fugenti”, kind of pilgrims, which have their own sanctuary Madonna Del Arco in small town Sant’ Anastasia.Their demonstrations is possible to see on...
Education in Naples
Studying in Naples I remember with a great pleasure: just go up the stairs during the break and the best see view delights the eye; move down the university building and the best cultural assets make you feel happy. For example, the beauty you see on this picture is the...
Yogurterias of Naples
Is there any alternative for an ice-cream in a hot summer day? No doubts! Italian gelato is a wonderful choice, but if you would like something more creative, you are welcome to the best yogurterias of Naples! I would like to say that it’s a dietetic change of an...
Particularities of Neapolitan language
Lot’s of things which happen in the South of Italy are perceived in the Nord with angry critic. One of the main particularities in the south of Italy is the wealth of dialects with north habitants judge as vulgar, hissy and harmful for original Italian language. The...
Naples, the city full of history
It doesn’t matter where you turn your head in this city, because every stone, every angle and every step can tell a whole story. Neapolitan history began more than 2800 years ago and starts from 8th century B.C.E., when the Greek colony Cumae founded a city called...
Neapolitan recipe: Gnocchi
Besides trying dozens different types of pasta, there is one more typical delicious dish called gnocchi alla sorrentina. Here is a recipe to make it on your own! Ingredients: 250 grams of mozzarella 300 grams of flour 1 kg of potatoes 1 egg Salt (optionally) 100 grams...
Italy, the country of wine
During my Erasmus I was so happy to stay in country famous for the best wine in the world. I learned the main rules how to drink wine and to combine it with different dishes.Ready to share this knowledge with you. I think everyone knows that red wine is better to...
Mozzarella recipe
Today with the hashtag #nothingimpossible I will give you a secret how to prepare mozzarella by your own. It’s not easy because the process requires first-class accuracy in time and temperature. I believe we can do it! Ingredients: For cheese: 3 liters unpasteurized...
Enjoying sunsets in Naples
Fame of Naples is not restricted by the high level of gastronomic mastery. What native habitants are really proud of are the wonderful views of the city. Lovers of hilly landscapes could especially like it: in Naples you always have to go up and down; houses are...
Eating habits of Italians
In Campania the swimming season is quite long, usually it’s possible to take the sea baths from begging of May till the end of October. August is the hottest month and the only desire is to stay inside the sea all the day long. Only when waking up in early mornings...
How to choose olive oil? Italian advices
Recently I told you in details all the main options to harvest olives from the trees to prepare olive oil of high-quality. Thanks for this precious information to the master of Gargiulo oleificio! My next question to him was: how to choose olive oil without making...
Flying keepers of Naples
Almost every open touristic space of Naples, especially in seaboard coasts, is full of particular models – gigantic gulls.Every day they see the crowds of tourists, that’s why it seems that they have a sufficient experience In posing for camera: how to stay well,...
Italian Vespa: let’s ride a bee!
Lots of small Italian joys in just one photo! Juiced jerked meat, which makes your mounth waterm the rang of sweet liquors for every taste, grape-vine on the wall.. and of course, Vespa, beautiful scooter known as Italian stereotype, but so awesome because of stylish...
Variety of lemons in Campania
Let’s add some vitamin C to our blog? When coming to Campania, be ready for wealth of lemons in every cornet, from light green to bright golden tone color. This is because the most famous world lemon plantations are situated exactly in Amalfi and Sorrento costs. We...
Metro arts in Naples
Which associations do you have with the word “metropolitan”? For megapolis habitants like me it’s definitely not the best. The worst relation which comes in mind is a rush hour which happens every weekday morning and evening in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow. On the...