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Home Kitchen

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Home Kitchen

Published by flag- Barbarka Houfková — 4 years ago

Today I would like to talk about the restaurant Home Kitchen. Last time, when I met my friend Sasa from Russia, we wanted to have a proper breakfast in the city centre of Prague. We had no idea where to go so we just put into Google: "breakfast in Prague" and we picked one from the list. We went to the place near Dlouha called O´Papa. It was not easy to choose one place because most of them opened later than 9 or they were not in the city centre. I really liked my omelette there and coffee and smoothie but it was so overpriced. It was like having dinner in the city centre. I liked the place but I was still picturing another one in my mind and I was dreaming about it.

Home Kitchen

Then, we found it! On my last day in Adelitas, I was not sure if my friend Josue was going to drink with us at night so we agreed on meeting in the morning before working just in case. We met around 9 and Josue said he knew about a great place for having a coffee. I already saw his picture from that place but at that time I had no idea that it could be such an amazing place.

Home Kitchen

When I checked their website, I found out that it is not only a place for having breakfast. They also serve lunch and dinner. Since the beginning, I liked their website and they have more places in all Prague. We went to the one in Kozí street which was really close to Adelitas and close to my previous job. I don’t know why I never went there before.

We entered to the first room and I already liked it. Everything looked really clean and nice and cosy. The waitress was friendly as I am trying to be in our restaurant and she asked us where do we want to sit and took us to the garden. When I saw it I was impressed. In that busy part of Prague, there was a small garden with nice tables and some people were already sitting there. The menu was written by hand and they had everything you could think of – a lot of types of coffee, cakes, eggs, pancakes and so on. In the beginning, I just wanted to take a coffee but Josue told me about an amazing chocolate cake so I decided to check it out. I went to the front and I saw at least three types of home-made cakes. I decided to have a banana one. We got two cappuccino and two cakes. They served sugar in a nice way in the small bowl and it looked as bonbons. They had a special logo everywhere – on the cups and plates. It was obvious that they did not just go to IKEA and bought it.

Home Kitchen

I was watching women sitting next to us and they had a big breakfast. When they got their food, each detail looked amazing. They were having small pancakes that were decorated with some cream and fruits. I tried Josue´s cake and I have to say it was too sweet for me. Mine was also sweet but I liked the taste of pudding on the cake. When I went to the front to choose my cake I noticed many small plates prepared with different types of food. I was so impressed. Each of them looked amazing! I could eat everything!

We were talking and talking – in English and sometimes in Czech or Spanish. Josue is the only one who speak to me in Spanish really slowly so I could understand him. I realized that if we had more time we could practise Spanish and Czech together. Later on, we found out that there was another room that belonged to the restaurant! There were big arm chairs and places with pillows for sitting. I liked that room the most. Everything looked amazing. After seeing the last room I would say that it was the restaurant I was picturing in my mind – nice space, atmosphere, nicely-prepared food, good location and friendly service – what else? I was happy Josue took me there. Then, we were walking to Adelitas and when I said bye I did not know if I was going to see him again. He left really fast and I did not know why he did not say goodbye but after, I found out he said it – in Spanish and he was coming back again. It was a great morning!

Home Kitchen

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