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Charles bridge

  - 1 opinions

Charles bridge

Published by flag-tz sylivia francis — 5 years ago

Charles bridge is the one of the oldest bridge in europe and the first bridge in czech republic which used to connect two parties of prague. This is the historical brigde which come around from thirteen century and passes to cross the vltava river in prague. Charles bridge is the most visted historical place in Czech Republic, prague. Charles bridge is located in prague 1. It has different statue whereby there is one of it you can make a wish and your wish will be granted and became true. It has also two beautiful bridge towers where you can see clearly the old town which is near bye. The strolling cross at the bridge is everyone is favourite since you can make a wish. The charlse brigde was made under the supervision of King Charles iv. The charlse brigde is the stone gothic which was made by the mixing of eggs yolks to strengthen the construction.

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