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Clock Tower

  - 1 opinions

Main Square and Astronomical Clock

Translated by flag-gb Anonymous User — 4 years ago

Original text by flag-es Samuel Tebar Serrano


There are several places to visit in Prague, but one of them is the city's main square. In this square, you will find one of the most important tourist attractions in the city, the astronomical clock.

This clock is located in the principal tower of the square, has a system that marks (amongst other things) the sign of the zodiac that we're currently in, the time and months of the year.


On the hour, the clock makes its special appearance, and various dolls pop out of several systems of pulleys and gears. They move and dance to the beat of the clock's gongs.

The art museum, the city's main shopping streets and Charles Bridge are all close to the square, with the castle just a little further away.


There are plenty of places to grab a drink in the square: cafés, bars and even hotels. The prices are somewhat expensive, but compared to some things, they aren't too bad.

On certain occasions, there are little markets, be it for Christmas or Easter.


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