Unluckily, I discover this place in my latest months in Granada when I was looking with my classmate somewhere to eat some tapas just before going to the Feria de Granada. Nevertheless, I make up for the lost time and I went several times.
In this bar, you will get a really huge fish tapa with your beer/sangria order. Just 2, 10€ and i can assure you after 2 or 3 you wont need to eat more. The tapa is settled by the bar manager, and it changes between days and orders. In each round of orders you will get a new different one.

(This is just, one person tapa)
Sometimes, people even give away their tapas because they are completely full.
The bar is usually crowded... because, of course, it's worthy, so be patient to get your place and order your drinks. The waiters and managers are really funny people.

So, my friend, I don't know what are you waiting for. Go.
Last but not least, remember it closes on Monday.
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