Erasmus recipes

  • Beef and spaghetti

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! Now I want to tell you about this another dish and write about this other recipe, that we used to prepare very often back in my childhood and we just really loved this dish, mainly because of...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Pound cake with lemon zest

    Pound cake with lemon zest Well, I want to tell you about this pound cake with lemon zest, too, which I just prepared, I mean, I always liked those chocolate bars with some lemon or orange zest in them and I really wanted to have some of them, however, I couldn’t...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Dairy soup

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to share another recipe with you and it’s quite a new recipe for me and I’ve just tasted it recently, however, it is really an amazing dish and you should really try...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Pound cake

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! Now it’s time for another article and another recipe from me, however, this kind of recipe you have already seen, I guess, and, well, if you still haven’t , then you can read about it this...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • My triple cream chocolate cake

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about me preparing this large cake, which was my first time preparing something like that, I mean, I had prepared some things like those type of cakes and...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, chicken fillet and cheese salad

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about this day and my salad, which is a very healthy and nutritious salad, at the same time, and it’s really good and delicious, especially if you love...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Exercising in Blush Aesthetics Center

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing just fine. Now I want to tell you about this Blush Aesthetics Center and how I got there in the first place. Well, there are these sale web pages, where you can see some great sales about everything and...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Pelmeni recipes part 1

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about different pelmeni and some recipes of how to prepare them, because there are so many things, that you can do with pelmeni to eat them, that you can’t...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • About condensed milk

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing fine! Now I want to tell you about these different types of condensed milk and why I love them so much and how to actually use them in different things, such as cream fillings or just like that, so that I...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Tiramisu

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about this recipe and the way, that I prepared this Tiramisu cake, which everyone liked and I was really proud of that, because it was the first time of me...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Chebureki recipes

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! And this is my another article about some recipes and, well, I think, that this article is kind of special, because I haven't really prepared this dish many times, however, it's a really...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Gozinaki recipe 2

    Gozinaki recipe #2 Well, now I want to tell you about this other recipe, that I know people use to prepare Gozinaki. It’s not that easy, however, it’s still not very difficult, either. I mean, there’s this thing about preparing honey for Gozinaki and it’s...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Bean wraps recipe

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about this another recipe, which I find pretty interesting, and, well, it is very popular, I mean, some of those types of things are very popular, as it is...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Preparing chocolate from cocoa powder

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about my prepared chocolate and how it came out pretty good, I mean, I really love chocolate, however, there’s this thing about it, that it has lots of...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Cheesecake trifle

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about this other recipe of mine, which I just made up the other day. Well, I wanted to have something light and soft and kind of fluffy, however, I couldn’t...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Using kefir in different ways

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about using kefir in different ways and how useful it is to have it at home in your fridge! Well, there are many things, that you can do with kefir, I mean,...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Sausage and omelet bread

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about this sausage and omelet bread, which I prepared the other day. Well, to be honest, we had this halogen oven newly bought and we were kind of testing...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Watercress soup

    Watercress soup Preparation: 10 min        Cooking time: 30- 40 minutes     Serves about 2 people Ingredients 1 leek 1 onion 2 big carrots ½ of butternut squash 2 vegetable broth cubes 2 hand full of watercress Recipe Put the chopped leek, onion, carrots and...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • My secret carrot cake recipe

    First things first I need to apologize for being so inactive lately, I have been moving houses and I didn’t even get the time to sit down, let alone write anything new. So I'm going to write this short recipe which I guess is considered my first blog from this new and...

    0 , 8 years ago
  • Roasted Deer leg

    Hello All! A roast is always well received, especially if it is a Deer leg! Succulent and delicious, it will require some help from Grandma, as it is not the easiest dish to make. However, with a little hard work, anything is possible! Ingredients 1 Small Deer leg 30 g...

    0 , 8 years ago

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