Cheesecake trifle

Published by flag-ge Ani Lilucie — 7 years ago

Blog: Travellings
Tags: Erasmus recipes


The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!

In this article I want to tell you about this other recipe of mine, which I just made up the other day. Well, I wanted to have something light and soft and kind of fluffy, however, I couldn’t really find any recipe, that I would like and that I would want to prepare, you know, so that I just decided to have something made up of my own, as I usually do, of course, so that I just went scrolling down the web pages on the Internet, and I was just looking at the photos there and wanted to find any of them, that I would like and then I would visit the page and see the recipe, however, the photos were really great and beautiful, though I didn’t want those recipes, because some of them had many ingredients and some of them had much sugar and I wondered if I skipped the sugar part would it still be delicious or not, so that I wasn’t going to risk something like that, because I wanted to prepare some great cheesecake or something like that. Well, some recipes needed baking and some of them did not, however, I couldn’t really decide which one was better, I mean, I didn’t want to bake any cheesecake, because I was kind of lazy for that, however, I didn’t even think, that freezing it or keeping it in the refrigerator would be a great idea, either. Well, I don’t really know, what I wanted to have, and I wanted to have something, that wouldn’t be a large portion or something like that. I mean, I wanted to have a one sized portion for one person, or maybe a portion for two persons, you know.

Cheesecake trifle

And it was kind of hard to decide, how to do it, because there were these recipes of cheesecakes for many people, I mean, they were supposed to be pretty large portions and I didn’t want that, though I couldn’t find any recipe for a small portion, that I would like. You know, those ones, that are in a glass or something like that and they have these trifle shape and look and they are just really lovely to look at and when you eat them, they are pretty light and soft and everything and it’s just a great combination of everything else together, I mean, you can even put some pieces or fruit and things like that. My sister prepares that kind of trifle and it’s really delicious and I always ask her to prepare it, because I just really love it. She puts some of her sponge cake pieces in between the cream fillings, which are very light, but not that fluffy that whipping cream makes, because she knows, that whipping cream is not a great one and that it kind of gets you this feeling of fullness and a bad feeling, in general, so that, she makes this real cream filling and it’s  just a perfect one and then she puts some strawberries or kiwis or bananas or raspberries or whatever she likes to have in it and decorates the trifle with them, too, of course, and everything just becomes a great trifle dessert. You know, I just love strawberries (well, who doesn’t?!) and my favourite trifle is the one with just strawberries and it’s a really delicious one, so that I wanted to have something like that, though now it would be with that cheesecake ingredients, I mean, the cream cheese and some cottage cheese and some sour cream, I guess. Well, there are all those different recipes about the cheesecake  filing and some use just that cream cheese and some use just whipping cream and egg whites and stuff like that. It’s really a complicated deal, if you want to know the truth, however, I went for the cream cheese and cottage cheese and sour cream, because I wanted it to be kind of heavy in a way, but at the same time, not very sugary or unhealthy or something like that. Because, you know, cottage cheese and sour cream can be less fatty and though this cream cheese has much fat in it, I wouldn’t use it much and the rest of it would be substituted by those cottage cheese and sour cream and that would make  a perfect match, if you asked me, and, to be honest, I wasn’t very wrong, because when I blended them together, they made a great “dish” and they tasted pretty good, if you want to know the truth.

Cheesecake trifle

Well, I wanted to have a cheesecake , because I had never tasted it until the day before that, and I really liked that cheesecake, so that I just decided to have some at home, I mean, to prepare some for myself and to know how to prepare it, so that when I wanted to have some cheesecake, I would prepare it and enjoy it. However, I didn’t want to have that kind of recipe, that would need to be done in some difficult way or to be kind of difficult or time-consuming or with much ingredients or with much sugar, because cheesecake should be a light dessert, something like Tiramisu and, well, that’s why I like Tiramisu, too, if you want to know the truth and that’s why I really like preparing it, because it doesn’t need much ingredients and it’s really easy to assemble as a dessert and it’s very light and easy to eat. So that, I wanted my cheesecake to be kind of like that, too, and I just didn’t want to bake it or stuff like that because of that. You know, when you bake something, it doesn’t really come out that light as it would be without baking it and that’s why I decided to have it like no-bake one, I mean, there are these recipes of no-bake cheesecakes, which just need to be refrigerated or something and then you should eat it in some hours. You know, these stuff needs to be eaten after some hours for everything to become assembled as a whole dish. That’s why the Tiramisu needs to be prepared at least 4 hours until you eat it, because it needs everything to have assembled as a whole one, you know. And if you prepare it a day before, that’s even better and while it’s being assembled, you should have it in the fridge, of course.  That’s what it said about cheesecakes, too, I mean, you could have prepared it in a no-bake way and just put it in a refrigerator and have it assembled that way.

Cheesecake trifle

Anyways, I decided to have a cheesecake that was not going to be baked and that would just be assembled in a glass or something like that and would be more like a trifle and that way it would be just very easy to prepare. I would just need to have those cream cheese and cottage cheese and sour cream mixed together in a blender or something and maybe add some cocoa powder or vanilla or something like that, you know. So  that, it would be kind of sugary in a taste, because otherwise, it would just be without any taste, or a little bit salty, because that cream cheese has  a little bit of salt in it, you know. And the cottage cheese usually doesn’t have any taste of either salt or sugar and the sour cream was king of like that, too, if you want to know the truth. And I wanted the filling to have a little bit of sugary taste, so that I decided to have some vanilla powder with sugar in it added to the mixture or some orange zest and orange juice or whatever. Or maybe, I would add some coffee powder or cocoa powder, or that Tiramisu powder, that I had bought some days ago for Tiramisu preparation and it was pretty good, if you want to know the truth. So, I had those many options and that was why I couldn’t really decide what to do and how to prepare the dessert, because I wanted to have one kind of dessert prepared this time and not so many variations of it, you know. When I had tasted the dessert, then I could prepare some other desserts from it the next time, however, this time I just wanted to have this one dish and I had a pretty hard time deciding.

Well, enough about those stuff, and let’s go to the preparation process and I will tell you those things little by little in the article.

Cheesecake trifle


  • Natural cream cheese, 150 grams
  • Sour cream, 50 grams
  • Cottage cheese, 80 grams
  • Vanilla packages, 2 envelopes
  • MacCoffee hazelnut coffee, 1 envelope
  • Tiramisu powder
  • Cocoa powder
  • Espresso coffee powder
  • Some cookies
  • Chocolate condensed milk to sprinkle

Preparation process

Well, first of all I started with the cream filling preparation. You know how it is,  I really wondered, what it would taste like, when I mixed all those ingredients together, I mean, the cream cheese and cottage cheese and that sour cream, so that it should be kind of sweet, but not that sweet, either. Well, for it to be sweet, I needed to have some sugar or something sugary in it, because otherwise it would have some bitter taste or salty taste or no taste at all, it all depended with the proportion of the ingredients, I guess. So, that day I met my cousin, too, and we planned, that she would visit me after her working hours were over and I told her, that  I was going to make some cheesecake and that I would serve it to her,too, so that I really wanted to prepare something good, so that it would taste very delicious and it wouldn’t be anything stupid or not tasty at all, or something like that, you know. So , I really wanted to do my best in preparing this cheesecake trifle or whatever you can call it.

Cheesecake trifle

Combining these three ingredients _ cream cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream, I blended it in my chopper-blender and then I tasted this mixture, of course, and it didn’t really have any taste ,so that then I could have added some sugary stuff to make it tasty and to have it taste just as I wanted. Well, I added two vanilla envelopes to it and these vanilla envelopes had some sugar powder in it, too, you know, they were not just vanilins or something like that, so that the mixture got kind of a sugar taste and it tasted kind of better, you know.

Then I also added this MacCoffee coffee, which has hazelnut essence in it and some sugar, too, and it just tastes great when you make some coffee with it, so that’s why I added it to the mixture, too, because I kind of decided to have this cheesecake with coffee taste mostly. And I also added some Tiramisu powder, so that it would get more of that coffee and cocoa taste, which I like very much. Well, to tell you the truth, I don’t really like that coffee taste that much, however, Tiramisu taste is really great and I just love it. You know, after tasting my mixture, I decided, that it was alright, I mean, if it had more sugar, it would have been better, but that’s just for the thing if you wanted to eat just the mixture with nothing else, but I was going to prepare some other stuff, too, and they would have some sugar in them, too, and they would get much sweeter, than it actually was and at that time, we would need to have something less sugary, something like this cream filling to neutralize everything and for everything to be just light and tasty. So, I left my mixture like that and continued preparing some other stuff. Well, to be honest, the other stuff didn’t really need to be especially prepared, because the main thing here was the cream filling and the other things you could just put on each other and that would be it. I mean, the trifle is like that, the main thing is the cream filing, which needs to be prepared and all the other things are just already ready and you just have to assemble them in a glass or something like that, whatever you like and however you want them to be and how you want them to look like.

Cheesecake trifle

So that, I decided to have two portions prepared and I took those glasses of whisky and, well, I had two of them exactly, so that I decided to have my cheesecake trifle put into them and they were transparent, of course, and they would look lovely in that, you know. Well, I had these pieces of sponge cake left from the other day and they were just great for my trifle, so that I cut those pieces into smaller pieces and put them in the bottom into those glasses and then I added my cheesecake cream filling mixture for like 1 centimeters or so and then, just like in Tiramisu preparation, I sprinkled some Tiramisu and espresso powder on it and added some rum essence, but not that much, just a small drop, you know. And then I also added those sponge cake pieces and poured some chocolate condensed milk and added another layer of that cream filling, and then the Tiramisu and espresso powder and some cocoa powder, too, and then I added another layer of that sponge cake pieces and added that chocolate condensed milk and that was it. My cheesecake trifle was ready and I just had to put them into the refrigerator and leave them like that until my cousin came. And until then, it would get all assembled and stuff and it would get a better taste and everything , you know. I put some wrapping paper on the top of those glasses and that way I put them into the fridge for them not to get some different taste, which there usually is in the fridge because of those different dishes and foods, that there are and, besides, it would not omit its taste outside or something like that and it would get its taste better like that.

Well, to tell you the truth, I was looking forward to tasting this cheesecake trifle and I really hoped, that it would taste great and stuff like that, you know, so that I would be able to amaze my cousin, whom I told that I would prepare some cheesecake for the first time and I would let her taste it and tell me what she would think, so that I wanted my cheesecake trifle to be a great one and I couldn’t really taste it until she came, because if I tasted it, then it would be obvious, of course, that I tasted it and I wanted her to see the whole thing on her own and, well, I prepared those two portions of cheesecake trifle, however, I didn’t make both of them the same, I mean, one of them had only Tiramisu and cocoa powder and the other one had some espresso in it, too, and it had more coffee taste, than the cocoa or chocolate one and, to be honest, the coffee one was pretty good, if you ask me. And, besides, the idea of the cheesecake trifle was to have an espresso taste, you know.

Cheesecake trifle

Well, finally my cousin came and after some meal, I took my cheesecake trifle out of the fridge and put them on the table. She was pretty impressed by those trifles, I can say and then , we started tasting them. You know, those were pretty large portions as it turned out. And we both tried both of them, you know, to see what they tasted like and she really liked that chocolate one and I had this coffee one for myself then. To be honest, I wanted the coffee one in the first place and so that I had that one, too. And she liked the chocolate one, so that she had that one, you know. Well, she ate all of it and I was surprised, that I couldn’t eat mine to the end, however, I put it in the fridge again after that and had it for another day or whenever I would want to eat it, of course. And while we were eating, my cousin asked me about the ingredients and stuff and I was telling her about those things and how I prepared them and everything, you know, so that she wanted to have some of them prepared by herself, too, I guess. She prepares some things and the things that she prepares are pretty good, if you want to know the truth.

Well, that was what I wanted to tell you about my cheesecake trifle and what it tasted like and how I prepared it. I hope, that you will find it pretty interesting and if you prepare it, you won’t regret it, trust me, because I didn’t regret preparing it, you know, and I just had really great time eating it. And even the preparation process was not difficult, in fact, it was pretty easy and I could just prepare it very easily and with pleasure. So, if you want to amaze your guests or family members or anyone else and you have got no time or not much time, and you don’t really have much of the ingredients either, you can prepare this cheesecake trifle with scratch and be proud of your masterpiece and others will be amazed, at the same time, and you will be pretty satisfied with your dessert and the decision you made about preparing this cheesecake trifle. So that, you should really consider preparing it and you should definitely try it out and serve your guests with it.

Enjoy your cooking and till the next article!

Cheesecake trifle

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