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Dam Square

  - 1 opinions

Dam Square - historical place

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Dam Square - historical place

Dam Square is a town square in Amsterdam, the capital of Netherlands. Many important events take place here. It lies in the historical center of Amsterdam, near the Central Station. There was once a dam on the river Amstel.

Dam Square - historical place

On the Dam Square you see the Royal Palace, which was once a city hall and then was conversed to royal residence in the 19-th century, Nieuwe Kerk (New Church) of the 15-th century, and the Madame Tussauds's Wax Museum. There is the National Monument, a white stone pillar, which is to memoralize the victims of the Second World War.

Dam Square - historical place

Dam Square has become one of the main tourist attractions in Amsterdam. And I think, everyone loves those doves that gather on squares and Dam Square isn't an exception! There are lots of doves there and people love to take photos with them.

Dam Square - historical place

Dam Square - historical place

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