Erasmus recipes
Cheese bread
The introduction Hello everyone, this is my another article about some recipes and this is just something , that I kind of made up, because I had some ingredients, which I wanted to use and I didn’t want to have a cake or something sweet, rather, I would like to...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Strawberry trifle
The introduction In this article I want to tell you about this strawberry trifle preparation and, well, how I prepared it from the very beginning to the end. It’s a pretty good thing to have during this time if you love eating some vanilla cream and if you love...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
The introduction Not everyone knows about this tree, which is called Alucha and it has this great thing to eat, which we call it Alucha in Georgia and people just really love it. Everyone is waiting for the spring to come to eat some alcuha. It's kind of like tkemali,...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
The introductionHello everyone, I hope that you are all doing just fine!In this article I want to tell you about these fish recipes and how we used to prepare fish and some other new methods, which I just acquired. You know, it’s not that easy to eat fish if you...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
The Tube
In this article I want to tell you about these cream filling stuffed tubes, which people usually call “Trubochka”, however, this word is from Russian and it means “a small tube” or something like that and, well, it’s kind of funny if you say that in Georgian,...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Ruken İmşik 4 August 2016 THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM Has it ever wondered that behind the ejaculations of democracy and equity of capitalism why some are miserable and starving, while the others are filthy lucre? Through the capitalism, there is a symbiotic...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Those peanut butter cups
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about these Reese’s peanut butter cups and how finally I got to taste them and maybe even some recipes of preparing peanut butter cups, because they are...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about me preparing Tolma for the first time , I mean, I have participated in preparing it some times ago, when they were preparing it at home, but I haven’t...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Education in Ghana.
Education in Ghana is definitely one of the best in Africa. Education in Ghana is provided and managed by the Ghana Education service through the ministry of Education . It has three main levels; Basic education. Basic Education in Ghana is made up of...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Vegetarian Quesadillas
So on Monday I decided to make some quesadillas for my roommates but I didn't want them to be just cheese, because if we are honest that's a little boring. But one of my roommates is a vegetarian so I can't put meat in them like I usually would so I basically pulled out...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Grandmas Pancakes
One of the favorites by far is the pancake recipe that my grandma passed down to me! It's the pancakes she has been making for my brothers and I since we were little kids and my friends here love them! First the ingredients: (I am from New York so my measurements...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Oatmeal pound cake
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about this other day and my decision of preparing some oatmeal pound cake, which I was pretty interested in, I mean, I had prepared some pound cakes with that...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Wild garlic
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! There's this dish, I mean, it's a plant, which grows eveywhere, I guess, and it's usually ripen during spring season and people usually have it in april or something like that and it's a pretty...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Preparing hake fish in halogen oven
Introduction Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about the hake fish and the preparation of it in my halogen oven. The other day I just decided to have this hake fish bought in the supermarket because I just...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Cheesecake with lemon zest
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about this cheesecake, that I prepared and it’s the very first cheesecake, that I prepared and it was pretty good, I must say. Well, I always wanted to have...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Mozzarella di Bufala
I don’t know about you but one of my favourite Italian, or should I say a Neapolitan speciality is a gigantic mozzarella di Bufala. This is not just any mozzarella, it is one that as soon as you cut open the milk trickles out and there are no words to describe the...
1 0 , 7 years ago -
Cream filling pound cake
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about that pound cake, which I prepared this other day. Well, you may find this pretty boring, if you are reading my blogs regularly, because I have written...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Basic soup recipe
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about this soup recipe, which I decided to prepare the other day and which was just a simple soup, that kind of soup, that I used to eat in my childhood and...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Pascha recipe
The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! You know, it's Easter coming and everyone is preparing for it and Georgians especially celebrate this day with their families and stuff like that. And , one of the main things on Easter is this...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Pasta with Artichokes and Courgettes
The good thing about being an Italian is that pasta runs though our blood. Therefore cooking pasta is something completely normal in our everyday life, but as you can imagine always making the same pasta can turn out boring. Therefore I am always trying out new recipes...
1 0 , 7 years ago