The introduction
Hello everyone, I hope that you are all doing just fine!
In this article I want to tell you about these fish recipes and how we used to prepare fish and some other new methods, which I just acquired. You know, it’s not that easy to eat fish if you don’t really like it, because it has its specific taste and smell and everything and some people just hate it and can not really stand it, of course, so that it’s really important for them to have something other than fish for meal, because if there’s fish, they can’t eat it. Some people even get sick by the smell of that fish and it’s enough to have that smell for them to get all that nausea and stuff like that and it’s pretty bad, if you ask me, because they can’t be in a place, where there’s fish around and, well, there are many places, where people eat fish and things like that and it’s very popular to have some other seafood eaten at the restaurants or places like that and these people just avoid those places, of course, however, one can not simply avoid meeting fish, if you want to know the truth. So that, what I’m saying is, that I can not really eat fish, I mean, I don’t love fish that much to eat it with pleasure and eat it every day or something like that, you know, however, I’m not one of those people either who can not stand fish at all and get sick of its smell or taste or whatever. I eat fish and I can eat it, however, it all depends on how this fish is prepared and what it has and whether it has some sauce or not and things like that, you know. My sister, however, loves fish and she can eat it plenty. Well, to be honest, she doesn’t really love that fish taste either, I mean, she prefers eating that fish with some vinegar sauce, which reduces fish taste and you can’t really get the fish taste with that vinegar sauce. Of course, it has fish taste, but it is not that obvious, when you eat it with vinegar sauce and I usually eat that dish, too.
It was this one time, when I tasted fish just for the curiosity and it was when I was visiting England some time ago and, of course, who doesn’t’ know about this famous Fish & Chips and it would not be a wise things to do not to taste this dish there, I mean, it’s England’s national dish, so that when you are going to another country and want to get to know their culture and stuff like that, you should definitely try out their cuisine, too, besides, it’s like only some dishes are very popular and there are only some of them, which people know about all around the world and , I guess, everyone knows about those Fish & Chips being England’s national dish in the whole world and it’s just embarrassing when you visit England and you come home and people ask you whether you have tasted that famous dish or not and you just answer them that you haven’t and they get really surprised, you know, because it’s really easy to just get there to some restaurant or just an usual place and order those Fish & Chips and have a taste of them, you know. It’s just really easy and you shouldn’t miss that chance, because when you return home, you should have something to say about everything you saw and one of the most important thing about other cultures is their cuisine, if you ask me, and, well, people usually ask about the food in other countries, you know, especially if that country has some special national dish, which is well-known in the whole world. People get very interested in the things you saw and the things you tasted and , well, you should be able to answer their questions, if you ask me, because when you visit something, you shouldn’t just hold all that information to yourself, you should share it, so that other people will get to know those other cultures, too.
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