Erasmus blog Strasbourg
My experience with the CAF: grant for accommodation in France
What is it? For those that don't know, when you go to study in France, whether on Erasmus or not, you can apply for a grant called CAF (Caisse d'allocations familiales). Normally, I think the CAF offers different types of grants to french students, but in our case...
0 0 , 3 years ago -
My house for a while
I arrived in Strasbourg on 26th March, on a cold evening, and I didn't know what to expect. Everything was organised through a website, which seemed safe and all, but you never know, and if it wasn't for the agency I would ask myself if I had made a mistake with this...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
Strasbourg: the best city in the Alsace region
Hello everyone! Today we are going to change country: it is France's turn. Specifically, the city of Strasbourg, which you'll find in the North-East, just at the border with Germany. It forms part of the Alsace region, where there are other small villages with these...
2 0 , 5 years ago -
How to Get Around Strasbourg
Hi everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the ways you can get around Strasbourg. Car The first and most obvious way is by car. There are students who bring their car here with them to be able to get around easier but I don’t think it's the best option since...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Step by step.
Today is the day before the flight. I bought the plane tickets through Iberia, as there is a special programme for Erasmus where they give you the option to buy return tickets with two hold bags and hand luggage for a good price, as well as giving you the option of...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Strasbourg During my Erasmus mobility in Saarbrücken, a friend of mine, who happened to also be an exchange student in that period, came to visit me. Our plan and goal were to travel together in the nearby region. Because we didn’t have a lot of money to spend, we...
1 0 , 5 years ago -
Anatomy of an Erasmus
I think I should start this post by presenting myself. My name is Chrysalena and I'm a medical student from Greece. I study in Patras and I just finished my fourth year of studies. During the spring semester of my fourth year, I studied abroad, in Strasbourg, as an...
2 0 , 6 years ago -
Where to begin?
The Observatory of Strasbourg - - Important update: unfortunately it is not open to the public. I was misinformed (not so hard if you can't speak the language and get your informations from other students) I've arrived to Strasbourg a little more than a week ago. I...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Strasblog Part Seventeen
Hello once again! Sorry for the delay on this latest part of the Strasblog, this excuse is going down once again to the fact that I wasn’t very well... not just cough and sneeze not well, more like stomach bug unwell. I was out of action for the best part of last...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Sixteen
Salut! How are we all? It’s been a while (indeed well before Christmas) since I was last truly settled in Strasbourg, but now I can safely say that last week saw a return to the norm. No more gallivanting across Europe, and no more breaks back home in the UK. Nope,...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Thirteen: Back to Strasbourg!
Hello again! I know I’ve been pretty much non-existent on the old Tumblr recently, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to explain what’s been going on! Source Essentially, I’ve spent the last two weeks resting and recuperating back in England’s fine lands....
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Twelve: Back in England!
Morning all! You may have been wondering where my last two Strasblogs have gone... well, it’s quite a simple excuse really. Put simply, apart from two or three events my last two weeks in Strasbourg before Christmas were not especially exciting. I could have bored you...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Eleven: Four weeks left!
Salut! How are we all? Last week signalled just a month to go now before I’ll be back in England for Christmas! The three months I’ve been here have absolutely flown by, but I cannot wait to get back to 38 Arnhem Way and the rest of the Gilbert clan! On Monday...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Ten: A Busy, Busy Week!
Hello! How are we all? I’ve got a lot to get through in this blog because last week in Strasbourg was by far my busiest! The two key events that the week was based around were the opening of the Christmas Market, and the American tradition of Thanksgiving! Before I...
0 1 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Nine: Forest Walks and Geography Tests
Hello all, how are we? Another week has passed in the fair city of Strasbourg and consequently, it is time for another edition of the Strasblog! The lecture side of this week was based around two tests; one that I did have to do and one that I did not. The test that I...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Eight: Return to Palais Universitaire
Bonjour! How are we all? Part Eight: Wow how the time is flying! Last week marked the return to university life after a holiday which, as you may have read last week, I spent in the Southern French town of Cognac. Once again this blog starts with a complaint about my...
1 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Five: History in My Hands
Bonjour! How are we all? This week began, as always, with my seven hour day and the pain-inducing four hour seminar in the evening (well this week was three-and-a-half hours... I accidentally turned up half an hour late... clearly my timing is not at its best at the...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Four: Football, The Vosges and Nights Out
This week’s blog includes moans, embarrassment, hangovers and beautiful scenery. I think for you guys, I’ll start with the moan! During my four-hour seminar on Monday afternoon I decided that my tutor’s methods of seminar teaching are flawed for two reasons....
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Three: Into the Third Week!
As I sat down to compose this blog, paused to think of the things I had done this week, a thought cropped into my head... "haven’t I just published a part? Like yesterday?" The answer of course is no, I revealed Part Two last Sunday. But the fact that last Sunday...
0 0 , 12 years ago -
Strasblog Part Two: Lectures Begin!
This Monday saw the completion of my first full week in the city of Strasbourg. It was a week that, as a consequence of long days spent in the registry offices, seemed to go on for quite some time. Nonetheless, with this week being the first of full-time lectures the...
0 0 , 12 years ago