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Pangkor beach island resort

  - 1 opinions

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Published by flag-ir Saba Jalali — 5 years ago

My friends and I all know it. It's like an unspoken pact between all of us. We all know that the beach is our save haven. The beach heals all broken hearts; I can’t even recall the number of times I've ditched school to go to the beach. Ok actually I can. It was just once. I just wanted to sound badass but what can I say I cared about my studies. My point is that the beach is home. Malaysia has some of the best beaches in this entire god damn world and I think it's about time I start describing some of them and some of my experiences. I don’t know why I didn’t start the blogging with these entries; they are rather a few of my best experiences.

So for now I'm going to talk about one of my rather pleasing and satisfying experiences in Pangkor Island. Such a blissful time spent there and in Beach Island resort. I’ll get to the details in a bit, and hopefully you’ll get to see how wonderful the resort is. Okay so Pangkor is a rather small and undeveloped Island. If you are looking for more developed and larger islands you should go to Langkawi or Penang both of which I have been to and will get into in future entries.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

(The beach in Pangkor beach island resort)

How to get there:

By air: (Not recommended)

Like I mentioned above, Pangkor is a rather small Island. This means there is no airport and hence you can’t just catch a flight there. Although it is possible to catch a flight to Ipoh, then going to Lumut from there and catching the ferry to Pangkor. I would say this is rather inconvenient because you have to go to Lumut from Ipoh.

By train: (Also not recommended)

Basically whatever medium you use, you gotta get to Lumut and then take the ferry to Pangkor. Now you can also take a train to “Batu Gajah” and then fetch a taxi to Lumut, I don’t really know how much the taxi ride will cost, but I guess we all know that taxis are not quite cheap in Malaysia.

By bus: (Recommended)

My alternative way is to go by bus. It is the cheapest and the easiest way to get to Lumut straightly from Kuala Lumpur. That is the way I myself chose to travel from Kuala Lumpur. I found it rather convenient because we got straight to Lumut. Now the ferry’s ride takes about 45 minutes from Lumut to Pangkor. The ticket price for a round trip is about 10 ringgits for adults and the ferry is available from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The ride is rather enjoyable, although the ferry can be a little too slow at times.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

(The ferry ride)

Description and experiences:

Okay so where do I start. We arrived in Pangkor after about 45 minutes of the very tranquil and slow ferry ride. Not that slow but still. Anyways so given the whole trip was an impulsive move we hadn’t really booked a hotel. I'm sure you guys won’t make the same mistake, although we ended up just fine, more than fine actually. The whole stay was a fantastic experience I'm actually digging into my memory really hard trying to find any faults with the vacation so I can write a fair entry.

Anyhow we visited a bunch of hotels, they were rather cheaper and not that good, and we really wanted a top notch place so we asked the cab driver that picked us up from the ferry and he took us to the single most expensive and best resort of the whole island; that is nothing but the “island beach resort” of Pangkor. The view was simply breathtaking, I can’t even try to describe it, and I really can’t. It is only to be seen and be overwhelmed by all the beauty surrounding you.

There is this thing about resorts and not letting people that haven’t booked their rooms yet take a look around the place and see if they like it or not. I saw this type of behavior in one of Port Dickson’s hotels and I’ll get to it later on. There was no such a thing in island beach resort at all. We went and looked around, hung out at the beach and then came back and booked our room. We booked a room for four, which basically had two queen sized beds even though we were only three. Oh and given it was the weekend we had to pay about 75 ringgits extra per person, little irritating but we didn’t mind it. So the booking included a breakfast buffet and a dinner buffet, I was so hyped about it. I mean it’s food why wouldn’t I be. So I don’t remember the exact price of the room for one night but it was something around 900 ringgits and that was two years ago so I'm sure that has changed by now. If you make your booking online, there could also be some ongoing promotions, worth a shot.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Anyways we got settled in our garden view room, because an ocean view room was simply too expensive. We then headed to the swimming pool, which simply had the best view of the sea on one side and a pool bar inside of it. There was nothing better than having a drink while swimming, even if that drink was just an ice tea and not a cocktail. You can check out the view and judge for yourselves. In case of hygiene, the pool was definitely super clean. I checked, a lot. The swimming pool was a bliss that’s all I can conclude.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Moving on to the beach, it's stunning and majestic. Gosh I couldn’t get enough of the view. The chairs there were perfect to lie down and sunbathe. Every time I remember the tranquility of that beach, I just crave to go back there. I went to a lot of the beaches on the island but I honestly loved the beach of our hotel the most. It was more private and secluded and you could order from the bar at the swimming pool and have it delivered on the beach while you were sunbathing. That is not an option to take lightly. But if you aren’t staying in island beach resort, there are a couple of other beaches you can go to. Among the more famous ones is “Pantai Pasir Bogak”. You can search how to get there on google maps.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Breathtaking beach side and resort

(The beach side)

The water on Pangkor beach is not as clear as islands like Redang but the water is still pretty clean and clear, rather than murky like Cherating, Kuantan. I know those are all too many different beach and island names but I promise I’ll get to all of them later on.

Some of the water sports that you can take part in island beach resort and the “Pantai Pasir Bogak” are activities like banana boat and Jet Ski. Although our hotel was said to have these, I couldn’t spot any on the two days I was there. There aren’t that many more activities to take part in. you could also rent a motorcycle to go around the island for a small fee. There are also bicycles available to rent out. In Pangkor beach island resort there is also a kid’s room, in which kids can enjoy a lot of different arts and craft materials. That’s pretty much it, activity wise.

Breathtaking beach side and resort

Breathtaking beach side and resort

(The resort)

Let’s get to the more important matters, as you all know me that is nothing but the food. Oh god the food was simply just amazing. My mouth is watering even now. Okay so like I told you guys we had both a dinner buffet and a breakfast buffet. The dinner buffet which was simply one of the best dinner buffets I've been to, started quite early at night sometime around 7:30-8:00. As soon as we entered we were overwhelmed by all the good smell of food wafting through the air.

The variety was great, simply great. Remember the whole me not being a really big steak fan? Well I had so much steak here that I could explode. I especially liked the pasta, you could add any ingredients you wanted to it and ask them to prepare it for you. And of course the steaks were great. Most of the food was international although there were like a few traditional Malaysian foods too. The desert section wasn’t as great and the ice cream didn’t taste so good. But that is literally the only things I could find faults with. Everything else was great.

As for the breakfast buffet, I can say everything was superb. The variety and the quality were great, pretty much as good as a 5 star hotel. I'm sure you guys have been to breakfast buffets so I don’t need to explain in details. Just know that everything was great.

I spent most of the second day on the beach, sunbathing and reading a book. That’s pretty much my favorite thing to do. I then went for a swim inside the sea, and I wanted to put my sunglasses on a rock for a second that I slipped fell off the rock, the rock was really sharp so I hurt my hand a tad bit. Apart from that, the swim was great. We then came back to our room to get ready for checking out and I could already feel that I didn’t wanna go back. The place was just too heavenly.

Hope you guys enjoy this piece and let me know what you think.


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