En francais, s'il-vous-plait!

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In this blog I want to share my Erasmus experience during my stay in France from January until June 2015. I hope you enjoy it!

Blog posts

  • Birthday Madness

    Embarassing Train Ride The next day I got up early and went to the train station by bus - I had to get into the train at 9:17 am to Munich where my Mum and her boyfriend were already waiting for me. I arrived much too early because the buses from my stop didn't go that...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Munich 8 years ago
  • Two Weeks before the next adventure

    Painful Goodbye After that wonderful Sunday it was already the last chance for me to wake up next to my boyfriend. It was great as always, but I couldn't forget that in a few hours I would be alone again, without knowing when we would see each other again. We had to...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • The Perfect Day - Part II

    The refreshing part of the trip After our heavy lunch in the Hofbräuhaus we didn't have to look for ice cream for a long time - the ice cream shop of Alfons Schuhbeck was at that famous square, too. Even if it was a bit more expensive than another ice cream, the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • The Perfect Day - Part I

    It was wonderful to wake up next to my boyfriend in my bed the next morning - unfortunately it would happen only one more time because he had to leave the next day already. But I ignored that thought and enjoyed the feeling in that special moment. We stayed in bed quite...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • Reunion in Germany

    Very good news The turbulent weekend with my old friends and family had helped me a lot to forget how much I missed my boyfriend after only three weeks. But after it I looked at three weeks without anything to do, there were just two birthdays and my law exam - I was...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • Festival in the Hometown

    Routine comes back The week after the large party in the city and my visitor from Amiens I started to get back my routine. I did some sports in the nice weather and went to the swimming pool quite often in order to cope with the high temperatures - it stayed at 30...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • Visitors in Germany - Erasmus is following you

    The first days after my arrival back to Germany were quite stressful. I had to clean up my appartment and organise all the things I had brought back from France, it was a mess! My Dad and his girlfriend had been extremely kind when they had gone to my appartment and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • The Best Views in Paris - Part II

    Eiffel Tower Of course, the Eiffel Tower has to be in the list with the best view in Paris, too. But as it's expensive and complicated to get up to the top it is only number three in the ranking. But let's start from the beginning. How to get there For many tourists,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Paris 8 years ago
  • The Best Views in Paris - Part I

    During my semester abroad in Amiens I have visited Paris several times, because it was only 1,5 hours by train away. I got to know the city better and better with each visit and escaped a bit from the touristic paths, because after some days you already know the most...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Paris 8 years ago
  • Coming Home

    Emotional Problems It was hard to leave the parking of the residency and I was still crying, but I had a long journey to my hometown, so I had to. My GPS told me that I would arrive in about 8 hours, but with breaks and possible other interruptions I was sure that it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Germany 8 years ago
  • The Hardest Part - Saying Goodbye

    Tetris in the Car And after that wonderful weekend that had passed much to fast, I had to think about my luggage finally. I only had two days left to pack everything and bring it into my car somehow. When I had come to France in January I already had had some problems...

    0 , in Erasmus blog France 8 years ago
  • The Last Week in France Part IV

    Even if I hated that time was passing by so quickly, I knew that I had to continue with my life and my studies and that my place for the moment was not Amiens anymore. I was afraid of saying goodbye, especially to my boyfriend, but I knew that it was no goodbye forever,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 8 years ago
  • The Last Week in France Part III

    The time with my boyfriend passed by quickly as always, and soon he had to leave to work in the morning. I came with him and we had a short breakfast in our favourite "boulangerie" (bakery). I would not only miss him and my life in Amiens, I would also miss things like...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 8 years ago
  • The Last Week in France Part II

    The time during my last week was running much too fast - I was not sure if I was already willing to say goodbye to my French life, but I had no choice. I had already filled in the form to leave the apartment in my residency and told everyone in Germany that I would...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 8 years ago
  • The last week in France Part I

    Too much free time After I had fulfilled my bucket list during the days before with my German friend, I wanted to focus on spending as much time as possible with my boyfriend. I had only one week left in Amiens, and everything I could think about was how much I would...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 8 years ago
  • Stairway to heaven - on top of the Cathedral

    Washing Workout So the next day I met my German friend again on the large square right in front of the cathedral and I hoped that this time it would work out and we could go up there. I hadn’t been very productive the hours before – I had slept in, cleaned my room a...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 9 years ago
  • Discovering Amiens - Maison Jules Verne

    Bucket List for the last days Back to Amiens my last days were mainly reserved for my boyfriend. But as he had more and more work to do in order to finish his doctor thesis, he had to work for a large part of the day. Furthermore he wasn’t too interested in visiting...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 9 years ago
  • Visiting old friends

    Trip to Germany for 3 days After that wonderful weekend with my boyfriend it was already time to say goodbye again. I wasn't returning home yet, but I wanted to visit a friend of mine who is living next to Cologne, in the small city Moers. I got to know her around 2009...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Moers 9 years ago
  • Day at the Zoo

    Couples experience - Going to a wildcat park The day after my exam my boyfriend sent me a link in Facebook and told me to have a look at that. It was a Groupon offer for cheaper entrance into some kind of zoo. It was a park with wild cats like lions and leopards etc. in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Amiens 9 years ago
  • The last exam - End of the French University Career

    No motivation to study After our wonderful weekend together and the trip to Lille, I finally had to do something for my last exam. My boyfriend had to work, too, so after a long breakfast at Monday morning I brought him back to his apartment by car and returned to the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog UPJV 9 years ago

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