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Vienna Review International Experience

Published by flag-at Manish Abraham — 11 years ago

Vienna entices visitors with its lavish, Old World charm. Gothic cathedral tower over richly ornamented baroque buildings and             copper domed palaces from the glory days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The romantic city on the Danube is famous for its coffee, confections, ice creams, and cafés; Lipizzaner horses and leafy boulevards; Sigmund Freud and wiener schnitzel, but it is also the financial and the political capital of Austria.  I went on a 3 day visit to this wonderful city.  Though I had visited Vienna many times before but this was the first time when  I visited Vienna along with my classmates of MSC IPM from FH Wels. It was a preplanned industrial visit.

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Beautiful Vienna

Translated by flag-gb Ross Smith — 8 years ago

Original text by flag-es Beatriz Parada Fernández

Vienna, the capital of Austria which is home to 2. 4 million people, is one of the oldest cities in Europe, so it conserves its large patrimony which is as beautiful as it is spectacular. I only went to Vienna for 2 days, but it was the place that left the biggest impression on me. There was so much walking involved in this trip because everything that you can see within 2 days, cannot be enjoyed in any other way.

Once we'd got rid of our suitcases, we decided to go to visit some of the city, seeing as in 2 days it's not possible to see everything thoroughly. As our hostel was close to the city centre, we decided we'd go walking around Ringstrasse street, which is not only the main street in the city but it's a complex of multiple areas.

We came to the Vienna city hall which is spectacular but we couldn't appreciate its entire beauty because they were preparing for a concert and preparing the box seats.

Beautiful Vienna

Continuing on our journey, the road is full of a variety of different styled buildings, with stunning measurements and countless beauty, which you can't stop taking pictures of. We got to Parliament, the most magnificent place I've visited, with respectable architecture and golden elements. Impressive is the only word that I can use.

Beautiful Vienna

The long walk took us to the Vienna Opera House which had some spectacular views and at the time, a look into the great culture that exists in these countries, but for all those who were not able to pay the entrance fee to the spectacle which was going on inside, there was an enormous screen on the side of the building which was showing what was going on inside, completely for free. People were sat in chairs, on the floor, standing... it was something that really grabbed my attention because I hadn't seen that happen in some Spanish cities.

Beautiful Vienna

The following day, walking around Vienna was making us keep our eyes open so we didn't miss anything important.

We arrived at St. Stephens cathedral, which was by a square full of bars, restaurants, change houses and specialised tourist shops. The church is a spectacular beauty and walking around its streets on a sunny day made it the most pretty building.

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

The walk took us to the Hochstrahlbrunnen, which in English means "high fountain", which was built in 1873 because the first aqueduct in Vienna brought in water from the Alps because they amount of water they previously had wasn't sufficient.

Just behind that is the Russian soldier monument, which was full of flowers for the amount of people that identified themselves at the time of the Russian liberation and so it was thought of as a tribute to the fallen Russian soldiers who fought against the Nazis in the Second World War. It's a 12 metre high statue with a soldier holding a soviet union flag in one and and a golden shield of arms in the other.

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

The fountain has 365 small springs which represent the days of the year, 7 springs between the edge and the interior which are the 7 days of the week, 12 lights which are the months of the year, 24 small springs which are the hours during the day and 30 radios in the central zone which are the days of the months. At night, this fountain is lit up so seeing it during the night is really pleasant.

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

By walking, we also came across Karlskirche which is a church built after a terrible plague which affected the city in the 18th century and in which Charles VI promised to erect a church thus, this church was born.

It has a small lake in the centre that makes it more beautiful to admire and a reserved area where the any photos taken would be spectacular.

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

Beautiful Vienna

For sure, the city is too expensive, but I suppose that's not a surprise when the wages are as high as they are.

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