Translation blog by Olivia in English

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This is my translations blog with useful content for Erasmus in English

Blog posts

  • My latest restaurant discoveries in Bratislava

    My latest restaurant discoveries in Bratislava. Hello everyone! Today I am bringing you a new post in which I want to show you my latest food discoveries in Bratislava, where I am currently living. Last year I already wrote a post with some restaurants that I like, but...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bratislava 4 years ago
  • A guide to Slovakian gastronomy

    A guide to Slovakian gastronomy Hello everyone! In today's post, I am going to talk to you about Slovakian gastronomy. For those who are going on Erasmus to Bratislava, I imagine that this information will arouse a certain curiosity in you, especially finding out more...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Slovakia 4 years ago
  • What to see and do in Innsbruck, the prettiest city in Austria

    What to see and do in Innsbruck, the prettiest city in Austria Hello again everyone! Today I am continuing on with our chapter on Austria and it is now the turn of the city of Innsbruck, which we visited the day after being in Salzburg. Before visiting this city, I...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Innsbruck 4 years ago
  • Bardenas Reales Natural Park

    Hi, everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about a place that I visited very recently and that is very different to the rest of the places that I have talked to you about up until now. It is a very special place, a unique, semi-desert natural landscape which is in...

    0 , in General 4 years ago
  • What to visit in Pula and the surrounding areas

    Hi, everyone! In my last post I talked to you in detail about my experience in Pula, life in the city, etc. Today I want to tell you about the places that you can't miss out on visiting in the city. As I said in my last post, the Italian influence can be perfectly seen...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Pula 4 years ago
  • 4 recommended restaurants in Bilbao

    Not A checked Hi, everyone! Bilbao is a city which surprises you since, even though sometimes it seems like it is overshadowed by its neighbour San Sebastian and its beauty, the truth is that over time Bilbao has become a city which is worth visiting. I hope that soon I...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bilbao 4 years ago
  • 2 days in Cinque Terre

    Friday upload not A checked Paradisical weekend in Italy: Cinque Terre I had seen photos of it on Instagram and it was my dream to go there. The place truly deserves its reputation. They are five villages on the coast with coloured houses, small ports, coves and...

    0 , in Erasmus blog La Spezia 4 years ago
  • Good restaurants in Salzburg and Innsbruck

    Good restaurants in the Salzburg and Innsbruck area Hello again everyone! Today I am bringing you the last post about this trip that we took through Austria. In the previous entries, I spoke to you about very pretty cities such as Innsbruck and Salzburg; and also about...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Salzburg 4 years ago
  • Adrspach, Natural Park in the Czech Republic

    Adrspach, Natural Park in the Czech Republic Hello again! Today I am back to finish off our last trip to the Czech Republic. Previously I spoke to you about the Punkva caves and Olomouc here, the first step of our tour through Czech Republic. Today I am bringing you the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Czech Republic 4 years ago
  • Solo trip to Seville

    Not A checked fri upload When I travelled to Seville for the first time I did it quite a lot younger than what I am now. Yes, of course it's true that I am now 21 years old and thus the fact that I was 18 could seem like the age difference isn't that big. But, to be...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Sevilla 4 years ago
  • 10 days in Salzburg: music and nature

    Hello, hello! Today we will continue on with Austria, a country which shines by itself and features a lot in this blog. Today I am bringing you what is for me the prettiest city in the whole country (at least out of those that I have visited): Salzburg. I was lucky...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Austria 4 years ago
  • What to see and do in Paris, France

    What to see and do in Paris, France Hi everyone! Today we continue with more content on about France and I could not finish off this section of the blog before speaking about Paris, one of my favourite cities, if not my most favourite. I have been lucky enough to visit...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Paris 4 years ago
  • Where to go out in Murcia

    For an Erasmus student (and non-Erasmus students as well), it is very important to know where you can find the best places to go out in the city that you have chosen to go to. My Erasmus, as a lot of you will know, was in Lublin, Poland, where the prices weren't very...

    0 , in Erasmus tips 4 years ago
  • Road trip through Italy

    A road trip? What's that? Yes, I know that we are writing in Spanish (original version of this text) but on a social network which is as international as this one, I think that everyone should know what the word "road trip" means. Even though I am a big defender of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Italy 4 years ago
  • Express trip to Paris

    Bonjour! During the year that I was studying at Swansea University for Erasmus, I couldn't miss out on the opportunities to travel which were staring me right in the face. Some friends had gone to do their Erasmus in Paris which meant it was an obligatory visit. The...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Paris 4 years ago
  • A little get-away to London

    It has been proven that there is nothing like travelling... and I will honestly tell you that the only reason I work is to do this. Escaping your routine to walk down different streets, drink other beers, obsess over new flavours, discover other's history and live it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog London 4 years ago
  • How to learn to study: the best advice

    "I want to learn how to study well. " "I can't improve my grades". Have you said these words before? Do you want to learn some study techniques? Don't worry, in this article we will give you some tips related to how to learn to study so that you are able to solve your...

    1 , in General 4 years ago
  • 10 things to do in Graz, Austria

    Hello again! Today I am here to talk to you about the city of Graz which I have now had the opportunity to visit twice. The first time that I went there was in Spring and the second was in summer 2018. To start off I am going to say that even though it has its own...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Graz 4 years ago
  • Azores: which thermal baths should you visit in San Miguel

    Azores: which thermal baths to visit in San Miguel Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk to you about a trip I made in February 2019. I visited the Azores Islands for 8 days and it was an incredible experience. For those who don't know, the Azores Islands are an...

    1 , in Erasmus blog UAc 4 years ago
  • A week in Andalusia: Seville

    Hello again! Today I want to talk to you about a trip that I took through Andalusia. We went by car from Galicia, spending a night in Salamanca, until our first stop: the city of Seville. We also visited Granada and Cordoba, which I will talk to you about in the next...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Sevilla 4 years ago

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