How to learn to study: the best advice
"I want to learn how to study well. " "I can't improve my grades". Have you said these words before? Do you want to learn some study techniques? Don't worry, in this article we will give you some tips related to how to learn to study so that you are able to solve your study-related problems.
What are the best websites for learning to study? I will tell you about some very useful ones.
Nowadays we are equipped with numerous resources which can help us to achieve our objective. There are a huge amount of websites for learning how to study. Later, I will show you some of the most useful ones:
GoConqr: is a platform where you can find various techniques to learn how to study better. They are very efficient and they adapt to the needs of the individual.
Study techniques: on this website you can practice different skills (intelligence, memory, comprehension... ) which will help you to improve you learning skills. It is a very comprehensive website which has numerous exercises and advice to help you learn how to study. Also, there is a section which is specifically dedicated to study techniques.
Universia: although this website does not specifically deal with the different ways to learn how to study, it has interesting articles aimed at university students related to exam preparation.
Educaweb: here you will be able to find, again, different tips on how to successfully study (techniques, atmosphere, study plans... ).
They are incredible resources for those who want to learn how to study for free!
The best books for learning how to study.
The question "How can I learn how to study?" is very common amongst students. However, few of us are aware that there are books that focus on this topic, such as: Gimnasia Cerebral, by Marilyn vos Savant, and Desarrolla una mente prodigiosa, by Ramón Campayo.
I would like to highlight one book to you:
Aprender a estudiar (Learn to study), Ana Villacorta.
It is a guide which aims to provide some guidance to the reader so you can find the way of studying and organising yourself which is best suited to you, which will most benefit you and which will bring you the best results.
Is it possible to learn how to study in 24 hours? Studying quickly might not be the best option.
There are more and more students who think that the best way to pass an exam is to spend the whole day and night before an exam locked in their room with their head in a book. Even though this can be so, you can pass an exam this way, the truth is that in this way you won't take in the information well and after a short amount of time, you will forget it all. That is to say, more than studying and understanding the information, this is memorising a bunch of words which won't guarantee you a pass mark.
The brain is a muscle and therefore it needs a break in order to be efficient. In fact, it is proven that after three consecutive hours of study its capacity to study diminishes. Therefore, the best thing to do is to organise your work well and split it up into various days according to the amount of work that you have. Learn to study successfully, you don't want to learn how to study in 24 hours.
How to learn how to concentrate whilst studying? The most important thing.
Learning how to concentrate whilst studying is essential so that it is an effective process. Depending on your personality, it will be either easier or harder for you to succeed. The most important thing is to find a quiet place where you can work when you like and you don't have any distractions. Write down an objective and focus on reaching it, having some kind of motivation is a big help.
For some people it is good to have some kind of stimulant like music, which can help you to relax. Find an appropriate playlist and try it! Also, to achieve a decent level of concentration it is important to have short breaks after every certain amount of time. For example, study for an hour and then take a 15 minute break. Then repeat this same process for the amount of study time that you scheduled.
These are the most important steps and tips for learning how to study. The rules which will change your life.
Lots of people want to learn how to study quickly and by doing it all in a rush, they will not achieve a good result. The important thing is to be patient and be consistent. They are different ways and steps to learn how to study, some of which we have already mentioned, such as creating a study plan or taking breaks to keep your brain active.
To learn how to study, it is important to have the concepts that we are going to study really clear in our heads. Thus, don't be scared about asking questions! Your teachers will be delighted to resolve all of your doubts! Make the task easier: organise all the information that you have by topics, in a way that will make you easier to remember it. On the other hand, it can also be a good idea to practice everyday with memory exercises, to keep improving your recall bit by bit. It doesn't take much time and there are also really fun activities! It is also a good idea to keep going over the topics bit by bit, so that the day before the exam the only thing that you have to do is to revise it. If you have any doubts about this, go and read this article about studying and revision!
Is it possible to learn how to study alone?
Of course it is! Thinking that you are not capable of studying effectively can make you feel hopeless, but don't feel down! There are several strategies for learning how to study alone, without needing to be around other people. Nowadays, you have a multitude of websites at your disposition which focus on learning how to study, study techniques... Look at the ones that we suggested to you at the start of this article! Studying is a routine, once you establish some rules and you put them into place day after day, it is all a piece of cake!
Learn how to make study plans. They will help you a lot.
Everyone thinks that the only way to study is by memorising pages and pages of theory for hours, provided that they are not courses which are based on numbers or practical work. In this case, most students tend to end up in despair. But, is memorising content really the only way to study? There are different paths for learning how to study? Make your own notes with summaries and diagrams. How can I learn how to make study plans? It is really simple!
Skim read.
Divide the general content up of the text
Read in depth and underline the most important facts
Organise the ideas
Establish relationships between some ideas and others
There are lots of different ways of making plans and all are equally valid: vertical plans, some are more visual or simply in the form of a table. Try several and decide which one you like the most!
Are there exercises for learning how to study?
There are not exercises for learning how to study as such, but you can exercise your brain and improve your concentration. Some of them are really fun! For example, you can try to make and then unsolve a puzzle. The aim of this exercise would be to keep reducing the time that it takes for you to do that across time. There are also different concentration techniques such as taking deep and slow breaths or closing your eyes and trying to keep your mind blank for a couple of minutes.
How to learn to study for exams? Our best advice
The fateful public examinations! There is no doubt that this is a very difficult task due to the huge amount of content and preparing for them is not an easy task. It requires a lot of hours of work and a bit of luck as well, if we're honest.
Do you want to learn how to study for exams? We have some advice!
Create an appropriate study environment which allows you to focus and achieve your best.
Plan the content, divide your time and start revising months in advance. Maybe creating a calendar could be helpful (crossing off your study days is always really satisfying! ).
Be consistent Preparing for exams requires lots of months of work so perseverance and motivation are essential.
Being consistent doesn't mean studying day and night for a year. Be flexible and relax, but never lose your focus.
Maybe going to classes at an academy could be a good idea. Despite there being an official syllabus and you can prepare for it on your own, these teachers can guide you and give you advice on tackling the exam.
And above all, the most important thing: don't lose hope! It is difficult, but not impossible. A lot of people have done it, go for it!
How to learn how to study English? When a new language seems like an unbreakable barrier.
English and languages in general are, for many people, the best thing to study. It is so true that being able to speak a foreign language is something to be proud of, since it is not at all easy. In fact, a lot of people think that it is an unreachable goal. This couldn't be further from reality! Studying English requires, like everything, consistency and perseverance but, once you have acquired some kind of base in the language, you will then see how good it feels!
English-language schools are commonplace. There is a great variety of them, with different prices, times and different learning styles. Anyway, it is not sufficient to just go to a class in order to learn a new language. Spend 15 minutes every day to review and consolidate what you have learnt. On the other hand, listening skills are very important. You can listen to and sing songs in English and watch films in the language. Little by little, you will notice that your level of comprehension and pronunciation is improving! Another trick that can work to get yourself used to using this language is to try to think in English: talk to yourself and ask yourself questions whilst trying to make sure that your grammar is correct, it can be really fun!
Anyway, going to an academy is not essential and not everyone is able to spend money on doing this. And you will say: "How can I learn English for free?" Well, there are lots of resources! If you are interested, keep reading on to the next section! If you want more information, here you have some more methods on how to study a foreign language!
Is learning online a good idea?
Nowadays, we have a huge amount of resources at the palm of our hands. If we make good use of them, we can discover some methods to learn how to study more quickly. If you don't know what I'm talking about, take a look at the first part of this article!
Learning to study online is completely possible, but this isn't to say that it is easy. It is a lot, a lot of the time it requires a huge amount of motivation and a predisposition to be consistent, a part from all of the other pieces of advice that we have already shared with you. If this is what you want to do, there's no time to lose! Look for appropriate websites and forums for what you want to study. For example, there are a huge amount of resources for learning foreign languages such as English: websites which explain the different structures, some of which have reading and listening exercises, others which give you practical grammar exercises.
On the other hand, a lot of universities offer distance learning classes which are a great learning opportunity. If you find one that you like the look of and you are able to do it, don't hesitate for a second! As you already know, "you can never learn too much. "
Nowadays, it is not difficult to learn how to study since we have lots of different training options at our disposition. Saying that, it requires effort and motivation. But you have to go for it! Get your paper, pen, write an objective... and don't let anything stop you!
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Comments (1 comments)
It will take me a whole life to learn to study ;D