My amazing Erasmus experience

flag- Barbarka Houfková — 1 people follow the author

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Blog posts

  • Empanadas dinner

    Empanadas Dinner There is no doubt that Erasmus live is amazing. Nobody cares about any problems and we just have one common objective – enjoy our semester as much as we can, meet people from all over the world and have fun! That’s why everybody feels so happy....

    0 , in Erasmus recipes 8 years ago
  • Why France? Why Lille?

    As you already noticed, at the moment I am on my Erasmus exchange program in Lille in France. Before I start describing all places I have visited during this semester and all experiences I went though I should also share the beginning of my story. It all began at my...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Lille 8 years ago
  • My last day in Lille

    When I was moving to France, five months of exchange seemed to me incredibly long. How can I survive almost half of the year in a really small city with raining every day without my family and closest friends? After, everything happened so fast like if it was just one...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Lille 8 years ago
  • Back to normal life

    I am already on my way home so I am going to write about my feelings. In May I did not really know the exact day of my return. If I chose only intensive classes I could even be in the Czech Republic on May 1st. In fact, I chose four extensive classes so my exam period...

    0 , in General 8 years ago
  • Home

    Today I had a really good day (because I went finally home)! It all started with an amazing breakfast yoghurt with strawberries. Actually it feels good to be in the Czech Republic again despite the fact I miss France so much! Nevertheless, at the moment there are a lot...

    0 , in General 8 years ago
  • Hard times of studying

    After enjoying a whole semester hard times came (haha). I almost forgot how horrible it is to study! It is just awful. I did not realize how much time I have to devote studying for my state exams. It is endless and boring. The thing is that I did not manage to study...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Italian Linguine with Nutmeg

    Hello! Since last days I am just trying to convince myself to study and I do not really do any interesting activities I decided to write a recipe about my favourite meal. For the first time I ate it with David. Actually, he cooked it two years ago and I immediately...

    0 , in Erasmus recipes 8 years ago
  • Healthy morning with my mother

    Today we were supposed to have a healthy relaxing day with my mum. When I was in France, my mum managed to lose a lot of weight. I was wondering how she managed to do it. We are still not sure because she started to go to Vacutherm, eat healthier and go for a lymph...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • How to survive state exams

    So I already spent few days with really boring program: getting up, breakfast, studying, lunch, studying, running, dinner, studying, sleeping. And again. And again. That´s why I had a lot of time to think about my strategy how to survive and study efficiently at the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Done with bachelor studies!

    Here is the piece of news: I am finally Bc. Barbora Houfková! I can not even describe my feelings. It is such a great feeling to be done with all bachelor studies! Two months of holiday are coming! Firstly, I am gonna tell you what was before this happiness. When I...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Prague 8 years ago
  • Pizza festival

    We were talking about Pizza Festival with Romca since the end of May because we wanted to have some reward for our state exams. Therefore, every time when we were complaining about studying we just said: "But when we are done with our exams we will enjoy sunny day in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Prague 8 years ago
  • Girly day

    Except for the fact I still feel awful from my return back to the Czech Republic and I am missing everybody so bad there is also another point of view – seeing all of my old friends is just awesome! Today my friend from my high school Kelly came to my house for at...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Finding a job

    I never realized how difficult it is to find a job. Before leaving the Czech Republic I had an awesome job. I was working as a waitress in the Spanish restaurant La Casa Blu. You can think that it is nothing special but I loved it. It was a coincidence I got there. Once...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Prague 8 years ago
  • Finding a job II

    So my last two days were crazy. I managed to have six interviews or meetings in two days! I am getting tired of looking for a job and I already agreed on another two meetings on Monday in case everything goes badly. Firstly I am gonna tell you about the longest...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Prague 8 years ago
  • Henna

    Today I tried Vacutherm for the second time! It was not horrible at all. Therefore, I decided to buy a membership! Hopefully I will go there at least once per week. It is all about habit. I just needed to get used to the heat and I already knew what to expect. Today it...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Restaurant Mexita

    Today I finally managed to have one day off. I feel relieved because I accomplished to find two jobs to earn some money during holidays. It was not easy at all. On Monday I had two trials – in the Mexican restaurant Las Adelitas and in the café Crème de la crème. I...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Barbecue and Photo Session

    Photoshooting Once my mum decided to become a professional photographer. The main reason was probably that she did not have a job at that time and she wanted to change her life. She always loved creative activities, drawing, graphic design and so on. Therefore, it did...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Dobruška

    After a long time I went finally again home to Hradec Králové. I don’t know why but since I am back in the Czech Republic I really appreciate being home. I already enjoyed being independent a lot in Prague and in France and now I appreciate being with my family...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Hradec Kralove 8 years ago
  • Lago di Garda

    During our trip time went so fast. It was already the fourth day of our trip. We were living in Arco and we still did not have time to go for a one day trip or to spend a whole day on the beach. We wanted to do a lot of things. As we took our roller skates from the...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Italy 8 years ago
  • Last day in Italy

    Friday was our last day in Italy because next day we were supposed to travel by car whole day. Sometimes it is difficult to agree what to do together even if you are only four people. We wanted to climb the mountain and go swimming at the same time. We took everything...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Italy 8 years ago

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