Last day in Italy

Friday was our last day in Italy because next day we were supposed to travel by car whole day. Sometimes it is difficult to agree what to do together even if you are only four people. We wanted to climb the mountain and go swimming at the same time. We took everything with us and when we noticed crazily warm weather outside we decided to go swimming instead. As we already knew that water near Arco was especially cold we decided to go back to the south of the lake. We were going somewhere close to the city Boldino.


Firstly, we found a free parking place with a big beach. When we checked the entrance we were not happy. The entrance for the beach cost around 17 euros even though it was free everywhere else. That´s why we decided to go to different place. I was so excited about swimming because the weather was sticky. We decided to pay a parking fee by card which was probably a mistake because the machine was not working well and when Italian people saw us they tried to help us. It was kind from them but it took them a lot of time. They were calling to the parking service, then I had to explain them the situation and we still had to pay with coins. Nevertheless, we were finally heading to the lake.


The temperature of water was perfect. Matej even took his air mattress. Unfortunately, it suited for three people at maximum. We were chilling in the water long time. I liked this day almost the most because we could just enjoy ourselves with no worries. We did not have to hurry up. We were just swimming and getting the sun. When I was lying on my towel I felt asleep despite 33 degrees. We spent three hours there and it was already time to climb to the mountain. The thing was that we were all super tired after being in the water and we did not want to climb there anymore.


Therefore, we decided to climb only to a small castle and have scenic view. It is impossible to do longer trips in such weather. It was enough to climb up to the small hill. The place was nice. They had a restaurant there and we could see whole city Riva. It was already evening but I felt like we should do something more. That´s why I tried to convince everybody to go running. It looked promising but in the end nobody wanted to go running except for Matej who suggested he could take his inline skates instead. It sounded as a good idea.


Unfortunately, it was opposite way. The warm air still remained outside. We started our sport activity near the small castle and it was written in the maps that the distance from this place to Arco was six kilometres. I thought it was okay because I am normally used to running 7 or 8 kilometres. Mara and Lucy left us in the middle of nowhere and we headed home by running and with inline skates. It the beginning it was funny because Matej had to take normal roads instead of cycle tracks. If I imagined myself I would immediately fall down. Although he was too good and then I started to be focused on my running which was endless. I was exhausted after 10 minutes because of the weather. It was totally sultry. It was not fun at all. Moreover, I think it is better to go running alone haha. The good thing was that Matej borrowed me his phone to listen to the music and we surprisingly managed to get home without break.


As it was our last night in Arco we wanted to have a good dinner in some nice restaurant. I have already said that Arco is not a big city. We tried to do the research about restaurants and Lucy found few places. We were walking there and we immediately saw few nice restaurants. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the restaurant we went to. This evening, we decided not to do low-cost! For aperitif, we all took Aperol Spritz except for Matej who had some whiskey. Even thought everybody wanted to have pasta or rice, when we saw the menu we all ended up with having pizza. They had a huge selection of pizzas. This time I mean seriously the word huge. I never saw so many types of pizza. You could choose from basic ones with tomato sauce or they had a lot of pizzas with cream sauce. In addition, they had a lot of special ingredients. During whole trip we were trying to find special pizza with gorgonzola and pears because Mara fell in love with it in Rome. We were successful!


Therefore, we decided to share two pizzas to try different taste. The first one was with salami and onions. The second one was our long-desired pizza with gorgonzola, pears and mascarpone! It was crazily delicious.


When we finished, we still did not have enough of food. Therefore, we ordered the desert for all of us. I chose the Crème Caramel which was similar to the desert Flan. It was all tasty and the service was great. I enjoyed our last family dinner much.


When we got home we played our favourite card game Whist and we went sleep early. Next day we did not have much time so we only packed all our things and we did not forget to have last ice-cream. I took the big one to enjoy it properly. Peanut became my favourite ice-cream flavour. When we were in the car I did not feel well. It went too fast and it was the time to go back to work next day. Next time we should plan at least one month holiday together.


In the car, I was thinking about the fact how to enjoy life at maximum. There is always choice about how much time we spend working and how much time we spend on leisure. Earlier, I was interested most in finding a good job and devote all my time to work to earn money. But how can I enjoy the money if I don’t have enough time? I guess that´ s the main reason why I was so happy on Erasmus. Whole semester I could do whatever I wanted to and whenever I wanted to. There were no limits.


I arrived at the conclusion that spending time with friends or family or travelling the word is the most precious thing that matters for me. Another thing was that I realized that it will be difficult to repeat holiday like this all together because Marek left to Indonesia next day and when he is back I will be already in Amsterdam. On the other side, we will find the way how to see each other. We were going by car for a long time. When we were stuck in the traffic jam we started to play the cards. It was almost the first time when I was winning the game but we had to stop in the middle of it.


It is not the end of the story. I felt quite tired after whole week in Italy and I already planned on watching a movie and going to sleep early to be prepared for working Sunday. During this trip we talked a lot about our holidays in Sri Lanka with Marek and Lucy. I was wondering how our travelling friends were and I sent a message to my friend Ondra to check it out. I would say that he is not a person who would like long conversations on Facebook. Therefore, he just suggested: “What about having the beer instead of talking on Facebook? ” That’s was the end of my relaxing movie plan. I was like: Okay, if I don’t go this night we are not going to find another day that would suit us both to see each other. It was a coincidence actually that we were both free. I answered that it was a good idea and when I got home around 9 pm, I just changed my clothes and I went to the city centre to meet him.


No worries, I was not planning on going home later than by last metro under no circumstances. On my way there I had funny feelings. I realized that we did not see each other for a long time and we did not spend much time only together. Never mind, we already agreed on meeting and I was heading to Náměstí Míru. We had some beers and my worries were gone after few seconds. In fact, it was so cool to see him after long time and talk about everything. I had no idea what the time was but when they kicked us out from the restaurant we decided to buy another beer and to sit outside. Moreover, some random people doing promotion about a club came to say hello and they offered us free shots. That was a good deal. We were still in contact with Mara and when he heard we were still out he decided to join us.


Since we were already drunk a little bit there were bunch of crazy things that followed. To be honest, it was one of the most amazing nights in Prague I have ever had. I had permanently happy mood whole time with the guys. We went crazy and we decided to climb up to the one building which was under the reconstruction. When we decided to do it, I did not realize that it was the serious thing. When we were climbing up I was scared a lot. I could not even take my bag. In addition, I was wearing the skirt and ballerinas. When we were high up the view was stunning. We were amazed and we lived for that moment.

Last day in Italy

I was so happy to experience this with the guys. It was definitely worth it but when we got down I felt relieved. After that nobody wanted to go home and we wanted to celebrate it with shots. Therefore, we went to one bar to have some. This evening was endless. We experienced funny moments with drunk people in the bar, we did some illegal activities and we ended up our night at 5 am. After that Marek decided to leave us and we spent at least 30 minutes by looking for the keys of Ondra. I thought I would kill him when he asked me if I had his keys in my bag. Of course I was sure it was not there. When I checked it we found them. I have no idea how it happened but they were really there. Because of this I did not even manage to catch the first metro. I arrived home around 6 am and I would say that it was one of my longest party ever. Next day I was dying at work and I was happy at the same time. Spontaneous plans are the best ones!



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