
Published by flag- Barbarka Houfková — 5 years ago

Blog: My amazing Erasmus experience
Tags: General

Today I had a really good day (because I went finally home)! It all started with an amazing breakfast yoghurt with strawberries. Actually it feels good to be in the Czech Republic again despite the fact I miss France so much! Nevertheless, at the moment there are a lot of problems with floods in France. It is totally crazy. Firstly, I was glad to see again my roommates in Prague even though they announced me they are going to the USA for the whole summer, so I am not going to see them much.

These two days were crazy. I had two interviews! When I was on my trip in the south of France I was angry because I found out that I could not work again in La Casa Blu so I answered (just on my mobile phone) to a few job advertisements! I was really surprised that I immediately got a phone call and we agreed on a job interview. So just the first day in Prague I went to AVG Technologies. The second one was for AHOLD. I was amazed when I was there! Normally they just ask me about my previous work experience and about my school experience, but I spend more than 30 minutes there! It was half in English and half in Czech and we talked a lot about me, my school, my jobs, my Erasmus and about Albert supermarket and their strategy. After this experience I got to like the position even more and I am really interested in working there! However, they have a lot of applicants and there will be two rounds of admission process.


Another important meeting that happened today was seeing the coordinator of my thesis. When I received an email saying: “See you tomorrow and I invite you for a lunch! ”, I was little bit surprised. In the morning I was even nervous. Every time when I met my coordinator we just spoke quickly about the thesis and we never went for a lunch. In the end it was great! We chose an amazing restaurant near my university and we were talking about my thesis, Erasmus, Master program, his job and so on and so on. We almost forgot to speak about the main topic – publication of my thesis. David (my coordinator) told me that he has a lot of contacts in media and if I want to, we can send them an email with a report about my thesis. The thing is that recently there was an issue related to the fees for renting a whole block of apartments in Berlin. Since I was working with my data from Berlin in my thesis and I focused on short-term accommodation such as hotels and apartments, the topic is relevant. When I heard his idea I was so excited. We agreed that after my state exams I could write a short report about my thesis (nobody wants to read 80 pages) and we will try to publish it. Nevertheless, he decided to give me “good” for my thesis anyway.

I was in a really good mood until I realized I did not study in the whole day, again. It is getting really serious so I decided to study hard from Monday and if it is necessary I will have to turn my mobile internet off. I really need to pass the exams. By the way, I am so stressed with my accommodation procedure in Amsterdam. I don’t know why but their organization is horrible. When I went to France, the issue with accommodation was quite easy, I found my accommodation fast for a good price with no disadvantages. Unfortunately, demand for student accommodation is higher than supply in Amsterdam. That's why the university takes advantage of it and they provide help with finding accommodation but for 500 euros! It is awful! So much money!


We wanted to find a flat with some girls, but we found out that it is almost impossible because there a problem with some registration and the price of flats is higher in general. In addition, some flats are without furniture and internet. I have to decide soon because they are trying to scare us saying that if you apply later, there is a smaller chance to find a room for you. They do not even guarantee the room for you if you apply now. Therefore, I am forced to use their help but I am under pressure. It seems that I will pay the fee and hope everything goes well with my state exams. We should receive a final offer on June 15th because now we have to pay a fee even though we did not see the rooms!


The most important thing of the day! I am finally in Hradec Králové! It feels so great to be at home – in my room. I really love it. After living whole semester in an attic room with no space and almost no bed I can appreciate my room even more! It is all in purple! My mum prepared spread with eggs that I totally love and she also bought strawberry pies!


I loved being with my sister again! She had again a funny time with Snapchat


We spent just two hours together because I came in the evening but I am supposed to stay in the Czech Republic whole summer, so I can finally enjoy their company! I feel like I spent these two hours just by talking! Tomorrow we are going for a children march and after to our favourite restaurant. Moreover, tomorrow will be the best day ever! I am going to see Muse for the second time in my life and I can't wait to see them!


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