Attività di Saba
City Park and it's attractions
Everyone says they’re waiting for summer but when summer is here they start to complain as soon as the weather becomes slightly hot and humid. This is what I don’t understand, how can you wait for something all year long and then complain once it gets here? I...
Going from Budapest to Vienna
I was working for a couple of days and I thought to myself that it's time for a little break. I have a good friend in Vienna and well Vienna is quite nearby Budapest so we thought why not. My best friend is visiting me from Berlin and she also wanted to check out the...
Best burger places in Budapest
The best burger places in Budapest I would have to say that hamburgers are my favorite food. No they aren’t my favorite fast food but my favorite food. There’s a difference. I literally crave a hamburger once a week and if the craving is not satisfied I do turn into...
Vintage Garden
Vintage Garden is one of those places that you constantly see your friends go to on Instagram. It's like you’re going through your stories on Instagram and there it is, one of your friends is there and then another one and then another one is posting a throwback...
Must see places in Budapest!
I have been living here during almost the whole last year and if there is something that I never get tired of is the city itself. Every day I am amazed by how beautiful and breathtaking this city actually is. There is always more to discover and more to see and this is...
One whole day as a tourist in Budapest!!
So today I woke up and decided to live this whole one day in Budapest like an actual tourist. Well technically it wasn’t an impulsive decision; I had this idea in mind for quite some time and I was like I have to see it through today. I don’t get a lot of time to...
Second day in Debrecen
Second day in Debrecen The second day in Debrecen was much chiller than the first one, okay never mind my entire stay in Debrecen was chill as hell. I don’t think I have been this well rested in a while. I caught up to all the sleep that I was in debt of. I paid back...
First day in Debrecen
First day in Debrecen, What’s there to do? That’s what I was thinking of when I got off my train. My mind was racing through all the things I wanted to do. I reached Debrecen with quite a bit of delay. My train decided to stop in the middle of the road and we...
Going from Budapest to Debrecen
Going from Budapest to Debrecen Ever since I moved here, I hadn’t gotten the chance to travel in Hungary much. The thing is, every time I got the chance I decided to make use of the cheap tickets and the EU free movement to travel around Europe, even if it was for a...
Tips for traveling to Budapest
Whether you’re coming for holidays or you’re moving here permanently, there are certain things that you should keep in mind. I have tried to compile them all into one article for the sake of simplicity. When I first moved here, I didn't know any of this and I wish...
Ruszworm Cafe : One of Europe's oldest pastry shops
Ruszwurm cafe Address: Budapest, Szentháromság u. 7, 1014 Imagine this. A perfectly sunny Sunday, you’re able to wear just one layer after i don’t know 6 months of having to wear at least 3 layers. Now imagine walking in this sunny, slightly windy day on the...
Universities in Budapest
Universities in Budapest: The expat life in Budapest is incomparable to any other city I have ever been to. Budapest is by all means a student city and more. This is why many students choose Budapest as their study destination. If you’re reading this chances are...
Public transportation in Budapest (Pt.2)
So let's continue this article with the trams, buses, taxis and the different ticket types. If you just want to know about the tickets, monthly passes and fines then just scroll till the bottom of the page. Hope that helps! Trams: Tram 4/6 The most vital tram line is...
Public transportation in Budapest (Pt.1)
Public transportation has the capability to transform a city’s experience for you. If the public transport is good and convenient, you’ll have a smooth city experience. I don’t even want to talk about when the public transportation is out of reach and...
Brunch place in Budapest :A la maison grand
My favorite meal of the day is breakfast but given that it's summer now, I tend to skip breakfast for quite a lot of times. I mean by the time I wake up is noon and that’s on a good day. On the nights that I've partied too much, I’d be lucky if I wake up before 2...
Day Trip to Szentendre
I have been living in Budapest for almost a year now and in this entire time I have never set foot outside of Budapest. No I don’t mean that I haven’t set foot outside of the country, I mean that I haven’t set foot outside of Budapest. If I had the time, I would...
The best ruin bars in Budapest
You haven’t fully visited Budapest if you at least don’t go to one ruin bar. The ruin bars in Budapest have become part of the culture and they grow more popular by the day. They have evolved from being a hang out place for true hippies to a location that anyone can...
Day trips from Split
I guess it's time to finish up writing about Split before all the details of it start slipping from my mind. Don’t get me wrong, this trip was one of the most memorable trips I had ever taken in my entire life but you know the human memory is faulty and I’d hate to...
The best shisha places in Budapest
I don’t think this article is going to fit my entire “healthy blogger” persona and I know my mom would kill me for writing this piece; I grew up in a very anti-smoking household. And even though I'm 100% against smoking cigarettes, I do enjoy the occasional...
The best summer festivals in Hungary
Summer is no longer just about sun, fun and friends. Summer in our generation is all about summer festivals. In the era of Coachella culture, Europe finds itself immersed with tens and hundreds of other festivals, majority of which are even bigger and better than...
The best thermal baths/ Swimming pools in Budapest
Thermal baths are part of the Budapest experience; you haven’t really experienced Budapest unless you’ve been to a thermal bath. The thermal baths here are so unique and if you’re anything like me and you want to always try out new things, then this would be...
The first strudel house of Pest
The first Strudel house of Pest Address: 1051 Budapest, Oktober 6 street, number 22 Website Opening hours are every day from 9 am to 11 pm I have this obsession with trying unique things. Like if I want to go to a café, I need to know what makes this café unique and...
Citadella in Budapest !
Citadella in Budapest Remember in the previous post I spoke about Zagreb’s view? I can truly and whole heartedly say that Zagreb’s skyline doesn’t even hold a candle to Budapest’s skyline; and if you ever get to visit Budapest and Citadella, only then you will...
Best cafes to work/study in Budapest
1) Starbucks at Kiraly Utca Address: Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 53, 1073 I feel so basic writing Starbucks as the first option but I swear it gets more interesting after this. It's just that this Starbucks is right next to my house and it’s the first thing that came to...
My experience watching the world cup in Croatia
Experience watching the world cup in Split, Croatia I'm not a big football fan. The only games I watched were the Iran games in the World Cup and that was just to show support for my country and also to crush over the boys. I mean after all there was an entire article...