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AC Hotel Malaga Palacio

  - 1 opinions

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - a place where you can drink and admire the view on Malaga

Published by flag-pl Alicja Nath — 5 years ago

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - Why is this so special?

The hotel is located near the Catedral de la Encarnacion de Malaga and it is one of the best and well known hotels in the centre of Malaga. Obviously, because of its quality the price of the staying at this hotel isn't really affordable for a student.

What makes it though so special is the possibility to entry there - on the rooftop - even if you are not a guest of this hotel.

The rooftop of AC Hotel Malaga Palacio

The rooftop of AC Hotel Malaga Palacio has one of the best views on the centre of Malaga. You obviously can't enter there for free. At the entrance you have to pay 10euro in order to go there. While you're already at the bar on the rooftop with that ticket you can order one drink for free.

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - a place where you can drink and admire the view on Malaga

There is also a pool on this rooftop which you can use it if the weather is nice.

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - a place where you can drink and admire the view on Malaga

The view from the rooftop of AC Hotel Malaga Palacio

The rooftop of AC Hotel Malaga Palacio should truly be on your list of Top Places to see while you're visiting Malaga because the view is just breathtaking. Depending on which way you are looking at - you can either see a beach and the sea or the old city and mountains. Check out on the picture by yourself. Below on the first picture you can see also the Caterdal de la Encarnacion de Malaga.

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - a place where you can drink and admire the view on Malaga

AC Hotel Malaga Palacio - a place where you can drink and admire the view on Malaga

All photos were made by me.

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