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Erasmus blog Copenhagen

  • Copenhagen card

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! Now I want to tell you about my great decision of getting a discount card while being in Copenhagen, which took me for a while to decide to buy, however, I bought it and it was reallly worth...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Denmark _ home of LEGO

    The introduction I'm sure, that you all know what Lego is, especially nowadays, when those Lego things are very poppular among children. People buy those Lego toys for their children,who are very keen on having Lego toys. My cousin is just 7 years old and he has so...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • My accommodation in Copenhagen

    The introduction The Housing Foundation rooms were pretty much available in July, because the study period was kind of over and there were only students from other parts of the world mostly, who needed to study for their exams or have a summer school in some subjects...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Me visiting the Round Tower

    The exhibition Well, when I visited the Round Tower in summer, there was this exhibition in it on whichever floor was it. It was called the “Gateway to the Round Tower”and it was for the 375-th anniversary of the first opening of the Round Tower gateway. At first,...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Nyhavn

    I’m sure, that you have all seen those pictures of Denmark, where the landscape is full of colourful houses alongside the canal. It’s like a symbol of Copenhagen and when you are in Copenhagen, you must take a picture in that place. That place is called Nyhavn,...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • The Round Tower Copehagen

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about the Round Tower, which is located in Copenhagen, Denmark and if you are visiting Copenhagen you must really take your time and go and see the Round...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Kunsthal Charlottenborg

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! I this article I want to tell you about  this Kunsthal Charlotteborg, which is  a place in Copenhagenand once a palace, now it’s used for modern art exhibitions and is located nearby the...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Nutella crepes in Copenhagen

    The introduction Who doesn’t like Nutella?! Well, I love Nutella and I can eat the whole thing all alone. It’s like a dream come true and I always have some cravings for it, I guess, that’s mostly because of its ingredients, which is the nuts! If Nutella was...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Frederiksberg, Copenhagen

    The introduction Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine! In this article I want to tell you about the place, where I lived while being in Copenhagen and it’s called Frederiksberg. You know, there have been many kings of Denmark called Frederik and...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Copenhagen. Day3 _ Getting to Studenterhuset

    Going to Studenterhuset So, you know, we had those games at the park and it was kind of raining, too, there, however, we had some clothes on and it was not that much of rain, so that we could still hang out there. Kathrine had then planned something for us if we...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Copenhagen Day 3. Games at Fælledparken

    A little about the Fælledparken It was another day of my being in Copenhagen and it was a pretty Danish weather outside. We had those lectures, of course, and then Kathrine had a suggestion, which she announced the day before _ we could go to this nearby park and have...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Netto: a cheap grocery store in Copenhagen

    The introduction Do you want to shop pretty cheap for groceries in this expensive city of Copenhagen? Then read this article about the grocery store Netto, which is probably the cheapest grocery store in the whole Copenhagen, if you want to know the truth. A little...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Copenhagen. Day 2 - the lectures

    To the university building For the next day, I had all planned, or at least, I thought, that I had it all planned. I mean, I had this route learned , which was supposed to be my road to the university building, where the lectures would be held, however, I didn’t...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Arriving in Copenhagen. Day 1 - getting to my accomodation

    Getting out of the metro Well,  I thought, that getting around Copenhagen would be easy, but it didn't seem so, as it turned out. I couldn't really understand many things right then and, besides, there was not anybody for me to ask about something, such as, how to...

    1 , 6 years ago
  • Arriving in Copenhagen. Day 1 - off to the city

    Arriving at the Copenhagen airport Well, I will tell you about me arriving in Copenhagen and my first getting-all-wet by Danish rain. To be honest, besides all the effort and stuff, I did still struggle with getting to the accommodations place and getting into my...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Free things you can do in Copenhagen

    The introduction Hello readers, I hope, that you are all doing just fine. In this article I want to tell you about some things in Copenhagen (that is the capital of Denmark, if you don't know), that you can see without anything to pay, and, at the same time, enjoy...

    0 , 6 years ago
  • Copenhagen - Andersen's City

    Secondhand market The next morning I got up pretty late and continued to explore the city of writer Andersen. I just opened the door to meet another secondhand market, unlike the second market souvenirs yesterday , glass cup and stamp collections , today is all clothes...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Wandering in Copenhagen (3)

    Another route, same destination but different taste Breaking up with the Danish brewery in Nyhav, it was 5pm at the time, I was tired after a day of constant traffic to many places so I decided to go back to the hostel and eat something. On the way back to the hostel, I...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Copenhagen (2) - Drinking beer like a Dane

    Drink beer like a Dane Probably, until now, when I returned home three months after visiting beautiful Denmark, I noticed that Danish beers were well known in the world.   Especially after I read about the competition in the beer market in Vietnam between the big beer...

    0 , 7 years ago
  • Wandering in Copenhagen (1)

    Wandering in Copenhagen (1)   Perhaps one of the cities that hasleft me the most beautiful impression was the beautiful Nordic city of Copenhagen. As far as I have researched Copenhagen has the meaning "merchant's harbor" - capital of the Kingdom of Denmark, is a city...

    0 , 7 years ago

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