Me visiting the Round Tower

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Blog: 2017-2018
Tags: flag-dk Erasmus blog Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark


The exhibition

Well, when I visited the Round Tower in summer, there was this exhibition in it on whichever floor was it. It was called the “Gateway to the Round Tower”and it was for the 375-th anniversary of the first opening of the Round Tower gateway. At first, I didn’t think, that it was something there, however, when I saw some people going inside, I went there, too. There was an exhibition about the Round Tower, I guess, and it was really amazing, I must say. The decorations were very well decided and everything around seemed to be very interesting and I wanted to see all of them. There were also some notes on every thing and you could go there and read them in Danish or in English, so that it was not difficult to understand what the exhibition was about.


There was this one poem or something like that, which I had a picture of:

“Imagination means imagining
The impossible , the incredible,
What no one has seen
Because it is too strange
Or too uncanny.
A round tower with s apiral ramp:
What a strange idea!
Imagination has been required.
Without it, there would be no Round Tower.
But the Round Tower repaid the imagination
And plentifully so.
Poets , authors, filmmakers,
Artists, and architects
Have been inspired
By the Round Tower
And made imaginative creations  themselves.
Discover how imagination
Is passing through the Round Tower.
Let yourself whirl into it.
Let yourself whirl into it.”


You could see the universe planned in a small place and there were all those planets and stuff around there. And there were those small cylinder shaped things just like that observatory stuff, and if you looked in them, you could see the planets up close and there were also some information about them there, so that it was a pretty good thing to do that if you were interested in planets and things like that.


There were all those other things around the exhibition and you could see those separated places with headings, like  the world, the Universe, our knowledge, symbolism and imagination and each one of them had some stories about the Round Tower, so that you could go there and read the writings beside them.

There was some music playing and you could see this amazing transparent thing right in the middle with some universe in it, I mean, there was some kind of the Galactic form or whatever there with that shining small things, which were kind of blue-purplish and they were just amazing. I even took a video of it and it’s sad, that I can’t show you that video here.

The Round Tower offers some workshops for children, too, for example, there was this workshop, where you had to build a tower of your own and some other things like that, which made children very excited to go to the Round Tower.There was also this treasure hunt prepared for children and they would experience how the King Christian IV built the Round Tower and what he wished to have in this Round Tower. Children would have to know many things about the King Christian IV and the Round Tower to win that treasure hunt made for them.


There was also the observatory opened for visitors in the summer, from the 2-nd of July to the August 13-th and you could visit the Round Tower between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and you would be able to use the telescope to see the Sun! and the price was included in your ticket!

Well, if you are going to visit Copenhagen in February 2018, you should know, that there will be the Frost Festival held in the Round Tower.There will be the music and installations and stuff like that, which is held every year in Copenhagen and in 2018 it’s in the Round Tower, so don’t miss it!


Me visiting the Round Tower

Well, it was kind of my last days in Copenhagen when I visited the Round Tower. I wanted it to be kid of a cloudy day, or a little bit of rain and I didn’t want it to be very sunny, because the view wouldn’t be the same. And the pictures always come out better, when it’s rainy of a little bit foggy, etc. and, besides, the rain is something, that is characteristic to Copenhagen, so that it would be a great choice of weather, if it was drizzling. However, when I went to the Round Tower, it was a sunny day.Not as sunny, as it would be in summer, but, still, it was pretty sunny and it was warm and it was just a perfect day to hang around the city of Copenhagen. It was the day of my visit to the Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød, which was a  great experience for me, I must say.


Anyways, I had my Copenhagen card, so that it meant, that I could get access to the Round Tower without any fee charge, because the Copenhagen card offered me a free of charge entrance to the Round Tower and that’s why I visited the Round Tower, otherwise, I maybe even wouldn’t think about getting inside of it, because if you visit all the museums and places like that, you will spend most of your money in that and won’t be able to do anything else.

Well, I entered the Round Tower, where there was this small window, where this girl was sitting and I told her, that I wanted to see the Round Tower and showed her my Copenhagen card and that was it. She told me, that I could go up and see the city of Copenhagen from the above myself. She was very nice, I must say.

So, I started walking on the stony floor and it was pretty awesome to know, that in some minutes I would be on top of that thing, which was about 36 metres high and I would see the city of Copenhagen from that height.

There were many people up there in the Round Tower and there were many children,too. They were running around the ramp like it was nothing and they were having a pretty much fun with their parents worrying about them not to fall or break something.


Well, on my halfway up to the top of the Round Tower, I noticed this one door on the left, where there were some people standing outside and some getting in or out and I wondered what it was, because I thought, that the Round Tower was just this round thing, going all the way to the top and nothing more. However, there was this whole exhibition inside that door, if you want to know the truth.

After a few steps towards the top, you would notice the toilet, where there were some people standing in line, waiting for their turn to get in, I guess. so that, you should know, that there is a toilet inside the Round Tower and you can take your children there without any worry about where to take them if they want to get into the toilet.

It took me some time to get to the top of the Round Tower, and when I got up there, there I could see that floating glass floor, where you could see the core of the Round Tower from up above.


To be honest, I didn’t really think, that the view would be that amazing. However, there were these things, which made sure, that no one would fall out from the top of the Rundetaarn, so that, it was kind of difficult to take some great pictures from up above. But still, it was manageable , of course. And the main thing was, that I could just stand there and look around and enjoy the spacious landscape of the old Copenhagen and the weather was pretty good, too, for the view and it was not very sunny or foggy, either, so that it made a perfect landscape of the capital of Denmark and I was very pleased, that I chose that time for getting on top of the Round Tower to look at the city of Copenhagen.


There were many people on the top of the Round Tower and there was this kind of a shop, too, where you could buy some snacks and drinksand, I guess, they had those things bought and the children were having some drinks and snacks while looking from the top of the Round Tower and walking around and getting down and coming back up there. They were having so much fun, that you would think, that it was very easy to get down to the bottom and then get all the way up to the top of the Round Tower.


Well, I was there for a little while, and, besides, I had this snack brought with me, that I had bought in “Seven-eleven”, which is a very popular supermarket in Copenhagen, as I have guessed, and, well, they really have some delicious snacks there, because I bought this thing, which was chicken in some dough, and it didn’t cost very expensive and it was pretty delicious. and they had all the other things, too, which were kind of expensive, but looked really great.


So, after I finished my snack, it was time to go down and go somewhere else, because I had some other plans, too, besides the Round Tower. I wanted to visit other places, too, until it got dark or something like that, and I knew some other places, where the working hours were not over yet, so that I went to the city center, where there were also those souvenir shops, where I could look around and choose some great souvenirs for my family and friends.


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