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Casa di Giulietta

  - 2 opinions

Juliet's House?

Translated by flag- Hannah Mactear — 8 years ago

Original text by flag-pt Inês Melo

My passion for William Shakespeare stems from many areas and forms, but mostly from his famous work "Romeo and Juliet".

From our version in the school play, to films and even the book, I have had a special affection for the story, since it's one of the most tragic love stories ever.

But the biggest push was the film "Letters to Juliet". I was super curious and very eager to go and visit that balcony one day. I already knew it existed because it's one of the most famous points in Verona. Even more famous than the Coliseum, almost no one knows that it exists in Verona.

My friend António and I took a trip to the upper right corner of Italy and used this trip to see Venice, Verona and potentially Padua. I made sure that we went to Verona just so we could go to Juliet's House. And because, secretly, I wanted to write her a letter.

The entrance through to the famous house is the most discrete thing in the world and you can only tell that it's there because of the number of people trying to get in.

I'm not one to skip to the front but it really did seem like the end of the world in a tiny tunnel, so it was more of a "save yourself" scenario. This tunnel was completely filled with scribbles. Yes, they are really scribbles. People think that this is the best place in the world to write a declaration of love. It seemed more like vandalism to me. Maybe I wasn't very explicit, there is no queue. There is a mass of people heading towards a little patio (as you can see in the photo). Therefore I would advise you to try to overtake because everyone is going to do the same.

Juliet's House?

My first impression was "WTF this is so small". Yes, it really is. The films make things differently from reality. But it didn't take away any enchantement from me. I carried on, excited to get in.

While I waited in the queue to get into the house, I looked at what was happening around me. Yes, the majority of people going into the house only want to see the famous balcony and take a photo with the Juliet.

The Juliet is a statue (whether it's similar to Juliet or not, I don't know) that has a legend to it. It's said that whoever puts their hand on one of Juliet's breasts will have luck.

Juliet's House?

It's supposably the right one. Whoever touches it will have luck with love. I took a photo of a man, all happy with his hand there but I've already put it on the internet. I, personally, am not a fan of breasts, so there was no chance of taking a photo (and losing my place in the queue).

Some post-its that are behind the statue are messages and letters to Juliet from people who pass by there.

In this little square (it doesn't appear in the photo) there is a little shop where you can buy padlocks, letters etc to leave for our little Juli.

My initial objective was to leave the letter that I had written to Juliet the night before in the wall. But, firstly, I had no glue (not even chewing gum) and secondly, I didn't want to lose my place in the queue.

Now, to enter the house, having queued in the wilderness.

There is a clearly well-formed line of people who want to get in through the door that you can see in the first photo. But, anyway, there is always someone who tries to push in. Don't let them! Actually, I overheard an argument between a couple who wanted to forcefully cut in front of everyone, shamelessly, but a man started to intervene and good for him.

I'm looking like a hypocrite but believe me I'm not. There is one line. To get into the square there isn't a line. As soon as we got in we went to the ticket office and bought the tickets, that cost €8 per person and we went up the stairs.

I think that there is no proof that the Capulets (family of Juliet) lived here. What we know for certain is that Verona was the city chosen by Shakespeare for this work. All throughout the houses there were parts of the work for people to read. My favourite part was the bedroom. With the bed (unmade) and two changes of clothes supposedly belonging to Juliet and the other to Romeo.

Juliet's House?

Juliet's House?

Juliet's House?

There were lots of empty spaces.

When I visited I was a bit disillusioned because I thought of two scenarios:

  • They would either have tried to reconstruct it according to what was in the original work.
  • Or it was the place where they filmed one of the films.

But I think that we are all in agreement when I say that the most important part of the house is the balcony where Juliet supposedly waited for Romeo. There was a huge queue and I had no Romeo to wait for, so I didn't go.

The moment when I delivered my letter. It was a good thing that I hadn't left my letter in the wall outside, because in the houses there was a little post box which said "Juliet lives here, write to her". And as it's said that she fulfils all the desires of love, so I wrote.

Juliet's House?

I asked for a boyfriend, of course, and for our families to get on well, contrary to Romeo and Juliet. And you know what else? You're not going to believe me, but what I asked for specifically didn't happen, the opposite happened. Take a chance, don't miss a thing.

For those who didn't write a letter at home, there are computers in the same room to write one.

Juliet's House?

I believe that there is a system in which you send emails directly to the waste, and the sender will get an automated email. I didn't try but it's the thought that counts, right?

For those who don't know, there is also a theory that Shakespeare was inspired by a couple (maybe even by his own) but there doesn't seem to be proof to me. It seems that there's also the supposed house of Romeo. But apparently it's far away and there is no proof that he even lived there.

At any rate, if you go to Verona I would advise going to the house. There are those who would take advantage of the place to get engaged or even to get married. That's my tip.

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Casa di Giulietta

Published by flag-lk Crazy Travel — 5 years ago

Casa di Giulietta

This is well known place for romance and lovers. Casa di Giuliett refers as Giulietts house. This house belonged to Cappelletti family which was rich and powerful family in the history. Shakespeare built his great love story which is Romeo and Juliet by based on these two rich families in Veneto region. Still there are some mythical beliefs whether the love story had taken place in the past or not.

Anyhow most of the tourists attract to the city because this place. When you go to this place, you can see the famous balcony of Casa di Giuliett and the monument/ statue of the Giuliett. Most of the tourist are dying to take a photo from the balcony of Casa di Giuliett. To take this photo you should enter to the house and pay for ticket. The ticket prices will vary according to the different groups. For students and groups, you can get a special discount at the counter. Anyhow ticket prices are not that much. Inside the house they have decorated with lots of paintings which shows the artistic nature of Italy. You can see ancient furniture as well as the costumes which have been displayed inside the house.

Casa di Giulietta

There is famous belief once two lovers touch the breast of the monument of the Giuliett, that love will remain eternally. Single people touch this statue expecting the true love of their life. Most of the lovers keep their love notes on the wall of Casa di Giuliett and lock their love in the garden by using padlocks. Along with that lovers from all over the world send the letters to Casa di Giuliett. There is special group who write back the answers for these letters by the name of Giuliett. This special activity is funded by municipal of Verona.

Casa di Giulietta

Beside the Casa di Giuliett you can find lot of places to make unique gifts for your lover. These gifts houses are very famous in the city. The movie call letter to Juliet has filmed in this place. Verona is city which the love does not fade ever. So, you must visit this please at least once in your life time.

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