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Byzantine walls

  - 1 opinions

Sights of Thessaloniki

Translated by flag-nl lisanne nederlof — 7 years ago

Original text by flag-nl Jasmijn Giohalas

Byzantine walls

Thessaloniki has a century-old history which hides in the walls. The Western walls have a total length of 8km, leading past the remains of the Greek and Roman times. Your adventure starts at Dimokratias Plateia; a square which once was the main entrance of the city "Golden Gate" until demolished in 1874. When visiting, feel free to use a whole day to explore the walls!

Sights of Thessaloniki


Umbrella Sculpture

This 13m high artistic sculpture was designed in 1997 by Georgio Zoggolopoulos, and can be found on the beach near the harbour of Thessaloniki, near the 'Macedonia Palaca' hotel. The sculptor himself lived to be a 101 years old and passed away in 2004, ever since, it became thé place to meet for both locals and tourists.

The artist, Zoggolopoulos, was known for his preference for umbrellas and their continuous appearal in his art works. He worked and lived primarily in Greece, where also most of his work can be found in public places.

Sights of Thessaloniki


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