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Valaoritou street

  - 1 opinions

The busiest street of the town !

Published by flag-gr Elisavet Kot — 6 years ago

I've already written a couple of articles about my hometown Thessaloniki, where I provided information on where to drink coffee or wine. But after 3 coffees and lots of wine, the only solution is to partyyy!


Where can you find places to party in Thessaloniki?

The answer is everywhere!

This city, mainly because of the university, has many students that are huge fans of the word '' party'', so there are numerous of options when you don't want to go home early. The most popular options for the students of this city is an area named ''Valaoritou''.

Valaoritou is a narrow street at the city center that is full of bars and clubs that are open from dusk till dawn and maybe later. To get there you can either walk from Kamara and it is pretty much 20 minutes by feet, or take whatever bus from Kamara and stop at the bus station ''Antigonidon''. Then, you cross the road and the crowd will help you understand where Valaoritou street is.

So, let's make a small map with the most famous bars/clubs of this area:

While you start walking down the street, you will see a bar on the right corner. The name of the bar is ''90 Moires''.It is the perfect place for a relaxing beer during the week, and in the weekend it is playing commercial american music.

Right next to ''90 Moires'' there is the ''Monkey Bar'' that plays only greek music, so if you are a foreigner i wouldn't suggest you go there, because you will get easily bored.

Next to ''Monkey'' there is a bar for the techno/house/minimal music lovers.It is called ''Rock'n'Rolla'', so if you are a fan of this kind of music you should definitely try this place.

On the corner, you will see a big building with open door and music coming from its floors. Go up the stairs and you will see a bar named ''Tokyo'' where you can also listen to electronic music. If you are in for something more relaxed and the weather is warm, ''climb ''until the roof of the building where you will find a bar named ''Taratsa'' and you can enjoy your beer while watching alternative movies that are played as in the cinema, on the wall.

After, on the raod that is located on your left, you will find the bar which is called ''stoa''. This bar usually plays latin music whith touches of drum'n'bass or jungle. It is very famous about the strange, delicious, and exotic decorated cocktails that it provides every day and especially the nights that ''stoa'' organises theme parties. Don't miss the days that there are special offers on cocktails! Moreover, you will be fascinated from the funky and exotic decoration of the bar that will travel you far away to exotic beaches!


In the corner of this street on your right hand you can see another famous bar of ''Valaoritou'' called ''La Doze bar''. The ''La Doze bar'' have two floors, on the first floor you can danse and you can drink listening diffrent types of music depending the day you will visit it. For example on Fridays usually plays funky music and on saturday latin and jungle! On the second floor, usually this bar have exhibitions of contemporary art or photography exhibitions from artists who live in Thessaloniki or artists from all over the world. This bar is very famous in the city beacause of the alternative decoration such as the strange pictures on the walls and of course the billiards that you can use if you decide to visite it!

Now it's time to take a break and eat something beacause in Thessaloniki food is everywhere! Opposite from ''La Doze bar'' you can find the most tastefull italian pizza in the town, called '' Pizza Poselli''. In this pizza shop you can find diffrent types of italian pizza for example, a la cream or with fresh vegetables. Don't miss the opportunity to taste as much as possible even if you are not a pizza lover.

After the small tasty break we have to continue our tour in ''Valaoritou''. Right next to italian pizza is located the unique brasserie in this area called ''Gambrinus''. This beer place have mostly beers from Czech Republic in a very comfortable prises but also you can take something to eat to accompany your beer.

On Siggrou street is located another very cozy bar named ''Ypovrixio'' which means in english submarine. In this bar you can drink calmly your spirit on week-days but on week-end the mood is different, the music is loud and the people are dancing during the hole night!


These were my favourite places to hang out at Valaoritou area. There are many more and i suggest you try all of them until you find the ones that will keep you dancing until early in the morning!

Enjoy your staying in Thessaloniki!

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