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Piece Montee Workshop

  - 1 opinions

Fore those who have a sweet tooth

Published by flag-gr Thomina Konsta — 6 years ago

Living in Thessaloniki, makes it a city full of choices. But  if your more into cheap  and quality sweet flavors, then Piece Montee workshop is your place. Not downtown, but placed in Ano Toumpa region (connected with bus #14),  a small pastry shop made it's entrance almost a year ago.

With the feeling of a small coffeeshop in France, a smoke free inner place and music just to cheer you up, this place will be in your list of favourites.

Clean areas and really friendly owners and workers, you might even feel like at home! The kitchen is separated with glass, and you can see where the magic happens. The pastry cooks provide fresh sweets with international fame,  but a bit different.

While you are here you can enjoy your coffee, tea or refreshment with homemade vanilla cookies  and you can accompany your urge for something sweet with a variety from American cheesecake, oreo cake,  Red velvet, Ruby kit kat cheesecake or even a lemon tarte either a kiss Lauren  and so much more.

There is no way you won't enjoy the freshly made dishes that are made with love and extra care! Be ready for your next favorite place. 

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