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Little Britain

  - 1 opinions

Little Britain- The Little British (and American) Food Shop

Published by flag-gb Saiesha M — 12 years ago

Little Britain


Named after the once popular TV series starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams, this little gem of a shop is perfect not only for British students but American students, who just might be in search of a little bit of home.

Inside one can find an array in imported British and American goods you might need. Albeit, everything’s a bit pricier than what you would normally expect to pay in the standard British supermarket. I have no idea how the prices of the American products compare to the prices in America, but can only make a logical guess and assume that they too are quite expensive, well, I did pay 12 Euros for a box of Lucky Charms- that probably says it all.

There are so many things inside the shop that you just may have forgotten about, such as certain brands of chocolate, sweets and biscuits and so on. It’s the perfect little reminder of ever day life back home, so I’d recommend going there; even just have a look around if you’re feeling a bit homesick.

When I first when with some friends we so overcome with excitement. I don’t know of anyone else who has been so happy to see a packet of Walker’s Cheese and Onion crisps or a packet of Smarites! I wouldn’t be surprised if the shop keeper did think of us to be slightly mad, but I think we just simply missed England, and this fixed up a little.

I’d say the nearest metro station to the shop is Massena, but you still have to walk a little before getting to the little shop full of surprises.


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