Erasmus experiences Lyon
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Ferran
Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? It's a city that has a lot of student atmosphere and it's cheaper than Paris. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I'm here for 5 months. What is the student lifestyle...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Anna
Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? It was one of the destinations proposed to me by my university and I wanted to perfect my level of French. Source How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I was there for 10...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Estefania
Would you recommend the city and the university of to other students? Of course, Lyon is a very comfortable city. Source What is the food like there? It's really good. Lyon is the gastronomic capital of France. You can find typical restaurants, called "les bouchons...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Living the Lyon adventure
What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It's a city with a lot of charm, at night it turns into a real "ville des lumières". The city is split by the two rivers that flow through it and in the centre of its life and business...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Guillermo
What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Lyon is always a lovely city to live in and especially if you live quite close to the centre, as that's where most of the things to do and the attractions are concentrated. It has a very...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Louis
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus experience in Lyon, France by Juan José
Why did you decide to go to Lyon, France? I wanted to go to France and learn some French, a third language is always useful, and for an engineer France is a very good destination, the Grandes Écoles (Great Schools) still have a lot of prestige and here it is...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by EXPAT
How did you find living in Lyon? Do you recommend it? What is the city like? Lyon is a really pleasant city because it is not only a city with a lot of things to do (outings, cultural etc) but also a city where you can move around easily (metro, bike) and where you can...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by iana
Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? France was always a country I want to discoverHow long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? Around 200 EU per monthWhat is the student lifestyle like in Lyon? Calm and niceWould you...
1 0 , 6 years ago -
Lyon: a place we will never forget
What was it like living in Lyon? Would you recommend it? Without doubt, Lyon is truly an enchanting city, there is no other way to describe it. I fell in love with it and I miss it very much, like everyone who did their Erasmus there in 2015/2016. I don't know why, but...
0 0 , 6 years ago -
Erasmus experience in Lyon, France by Emily
Why did you chose to go to Lyon, France? Because I had the choice between here, Paris and La Roche l'Île so I chose Lyon because it's the second biggest city and it's very well-connected in Europe so I would have the opportunity to travel all over. Additionally, it's a...
1 0 , 6 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Anna-Eugénie
What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? It's the city where I was born but i went to Paris because I wanted to do some studies that weren't available in Lyon. Lyon is way easier to live in: with only 4 suburbs lines that goes all...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus experience in Lyon, France
Why did you decide to go to Lyon, France? Foreign experience. To get to know the French culture from up close. Quelle How long is the scholarship valid? How much money did you receive as support? Around 3, 5 months. What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon? Good,...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Mostafa
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I don't have scholarship if you know one please tell me.What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon? students can work beside studying.Would you recommend the city and the...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Celeste
Source Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? Because it was a city I have never visited before. How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? The scholarship is 3 months long. We received the highest amount of it as...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Erasmus Experience in Lyon, France by Célia
Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? I choose to go there because it's a great city with a lot of things to do. I love hanging out with my friends in bars and Lyonis perfect for that. There is a lot of students.What is the student lifestyle like in Lyon? It...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Everything you need to know about Lyon, France
Why did you choose to go to Lyon, France? When deciding to study abroad in France, admittedly Lyon wasn't my first choice. I, like many others, was enamoured by the Parisian lifestyle and would have loved to have spent a year living there. However, budget wise, I knew...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Elsa
What is it like to live in Lyon? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Lyon is a beautiful city where you can do a lot of things such as going out at night, hanging out with your friends, going to parties, having a drink on the docks. The landscapes are really...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Anaïs
How did you find living in the city of Lyon? Do you recommend it? How is the city? It's perhaps a bit of an expensive city in terms of accommodation and daily essentials but it's a very pleasant city to live in. There is always something to do: from a cultural point of...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Experience in Lyon, France by Sivann
How did you find living in the city of Lyon? Do you recommend it? How is the city? It's a really nice city. I recommend living and studying there. It's a beautiful city. There are a fair amount of activities throughout the entire year. I like Lyon a lot! Source How is...
0 0 , 7 years ago